Allyson, my mom's eyebrows just this week completely fell out after five weeks of chemo.
Oh, yeah, the eyebrows and eyelashes were the worst part, and they don't fall out for everyone, so you keep being hopeful right up until you realize that they're all gone. On the other hand, I got better at drawing in eyebrows than I ever thought I could as a makeup-impaired person.
It won't really be a Jump Street retread without a Depp cameo.
Grieco, baby. Gotta have Grieco. Although Depp is just wacky enough to do a cameo. Maybe as an evil teacher? heh.
Eww. Please, easy on the Grieco.
Eww. Please, easy on the Grieco
How can you say that? You're dead to me! DEAD!!
Have you seen Grieco in one of his recent appearances? All the years that Depp and Holly Robinson Pete haven't aged jumped on him instead.
He's oily like K-Fed. If you wrung him out, you'd be able to make decent bruschetta. With eyeliner. He wore eyeliner, didn't he?
Have you seen Grieco in one of his recent appearances? All the years that Depp and Holly Robinson Pete haven't aged jumped on him instead.
Oh, dear. Somehow, not surprising, though.
He wore eyeliner, didn't he?
It was the 80's. So, probably.
Friday nights? So we should concentrate on the fluidity thing, huh?
Only fluid I see is the puddle of piss doing scheduling at Fox.
Sorry, couldn't resist.
Grieco is NO Depp. Not even a disaffected, dumb-stunt-pulling Depp.
Grieco is NO Depp. Not even a disaffected, dumb-stunt-pulling Depp.
oh, agreed. But he IS the hunky, brooding, emotionally stunted bad boy. Just the kind of guy who is a disaster, and therefore, the kind of man that I am attracted to.