Mal: So we run. Nandi: I understand, Captain Reynolds. You have your people to think of, same as me. And this ain't your fight. Mal: Don't believe you do understand, Nandi. I said 'we run'. We.

'Heart Of Gold'

The Minearverse 3: The Network Is a Harsh Mistress  

[NAFDA] "There will be an occasional happy, so that it might be crushed under the boot of the writer." From Zorro to Angel (including Wonderfalls and The Inside), this is where Buffistas come to anoint themselves in the bloodbath.

Tamara - Aug 08, 2004 2:34:24 pm PDT #1573 of 10001
You know, we could experiment and cancel football.

Who is moving to Cabo with me?

DavidS - Aug 08, 2004 7:52:53 pm PDT #1574 of 10001
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

Wow. Joss and Tim have a fan in Mexico. A fan who programs syndicated television.

Cranberry - Aug 08, 2004 9:24:37 pm PDT #1575 of 10001
I was fine when existence had no meaning. Meaninglessness in a universe that has no meaning -- that I get. But meaninglessness in a universe with meaning? What does that mean?

Kristin from E!Online is still annoying me. From her August 2nd chat transcript:

From ikyro: Is there any news on if the Wonderfalls DVD is coming out for sure?

There's still nothing official. Should we storm Fox?

We've known since late May that DVDs are a go, and I think public acknowledgement from the producers (at the screenings in LA and San Diego) makes it pretty damn official. Is it too much to ask that someone whose job is to know all about TV actually provides accurate information?

Invisible Green - Aug 08, 2004 9:28:13 pm PDT #1576 of 10001

Since Fox Home Entertainment hasn't released any PR, that makes it technically unofficial. It's not like she's lying.

Cranberry - Aug 08, 2004 9:43:45 pm PDT #1577 of 10001
I was fine when existence had no meaning. Meaninglessness in a universe that has no meaning -- that I get. But meaninglessness in a universe with meaning? What does that mean?

No, I know she's not lying... but the producers have been talking about the DVDs since late May; the set has been mentioned on reputable sites and at screenings. She could at least mention it looks like they're being made.

Eh, I'm probably just too easily annoyed -- I'm still peeved that she never acknowledged

sumi - Aug 09, 2004 4:31:06 am PDT #1578 of 10001
Art Crawl!!!

I just want confirmation that it is December rather than January (as mentioned in EW) that the dvds are coming out.

lisah - Aug 09, 2004 4:32:58 am PDT #1579 of 10001
Punishingly Intricate

We've known since late May that DVDs are a go, and I think public acknowledgement from the producers (at the screenings in LA and San Diego) makes it pretty damn official. Is it too much to ask that someone whose job is to know all about TV actually provides accurate information?

You should write and tell her! I think she's pretty responsive to email and, as a fan of the show, would be happy to share the news.

Cranberry - Aug 09, 2004 9:20:09 am PDT #1580 of 10001
I was fine when existence had no meaning. Meaninglessness in a universe that has no meaning -- that I get. But meaninglessness in a universe with meaning? What does that mean?

I've actually written her three (I believe) e-mails about Wonderfalls and SaveWonderfalls since she started bemoaning the cancellation in her column/chat (and some other fans wrote her about the site, too), but she didn't respond or mention anything about a fan campaign on E!Online, even when fans asked in her chat how they could help (she just gave them an address for FOX and for the WB so they could complain/ask Levin to take the show). I dunno.

Sumi, I just asked Bryan about the EW thing, and he says "I think they misprinted, but that was a nice little article." He hasn't heard anything about a change from the December 7 date.

sumi - Aug 09, 2004 9:31:14 am PDT #1581 of 10001
Art Crawl!!!

Thanks Cranberry!

I mean, it's only a month later -- but from here it feels like forever.

libkitty - Aug 09, 2004 9:32:18 am PDT #1582 of 10001
Embrace the idea that we are the leaders we've been looking for. Grace Lee Boggs

Who is moving to Cabo with me?

Me! We're having such warm weather this year, I almost feel like I'm there already, except, alas, no Wonderfalls or Firefly on Fox (We do have a fair amount of Angel and Buffy reruns though.)