The bastard who loudly huffed (with obvious impatience) "THE GGGUUUUUUUKKKEEE!", was, um, me.
Bwah! I do seem to remember Kidman—who said "the Duke" like 90% of all the times it was said in the movie—pronouncing it in a reedy squeal that seemed to have a couple of j's and an h.
Which is weird, because she doesn't normally talk that way. Maybe consumption makes people sound as if they've swallowed a kazoo?
You know, Kat, I had cake. It was at my church for all July birthdays. And since they didn't specify, just July birthdays of church members, I think it was your birthday cake! Except it was cheap Sam's Club cake I bought, so probably not as good as your actual cake.
No, Kat's cake (in my imagination) would in no way resemble a cake from Sam's club -- which I think must be very much like a cake from Walmart.
Heather -- sadly, pretend cake is just not the same thing. However, dark chocolate Hershey kisses?-- Make a pretty good distraction from the lack of cake.
very much like a cake from Walmart.
Yes, except cheaper! And in more massive quantities! It was bad, but it was still cake.
Now I am eating oatmeal. It is not like cake.
Sadly no. I'm having more cake.
I'm going to the size of a smallish house if I keep this up. Yet CAKE!
God, if I knew where I could find a piece of cake right now. All I have is bitterish coffee.
The people in Moon have been passing around the same herpes sore for 73 years.
According to the book, there is no venereal disease (and virtually no infectious disease of any kind) on the libertarian paradise that is the moon. This, despite the fact that the 2:1 ratio of men to women implies that in every generation the number of newly transported criminals from earth must equal at least 50% of the native population. Criminals, of course, would never be expected to introduce sexually transmitted diseases to a native population. Fastidious group, those criminals.
Fastidious group, those criminals
Well they are Criminals of THE FUTURE, right? Everything's cleaner in THE FUTURE.
The moon book has been travelling around in the back of my car for months. Based on the comments made here, I'm afraid for my walls if I try to read it. I'm thinking I'll just wait for the Tim version.