Sadly, how many of us know this from reading comic books/watching cartoons, rather than actual study of Norse myth? (raises hand)
Not me either. Of course, with the name Freya, it's perhaps not surprising.
I can see I'm going to need to re-read
as all I can remember is that it was good. It may need to wait awhile, though, while I read book club books.
t /shameless plug for book club thread
Maybe LDTTOTS should be a book club "alternate" selection...
Maybe LDTTOTS should be a book club "alternate" selection...
I think that would rock mightily. It could be paired with something like Chesterton's
The Man Who Was Thursday
for sheer dryly hysterical absurdist perfection.
If there is anyone interested in a mini-F2F at the San Diego Comic Con, please express interested in the F2F thread...
Apropos of nothing, I had a dream where a bunch of friends and I were riding one of those open air tour tram things through some parking lots. Tim was standing around and we all said hi to him when we passed and he said hello and went about his business. More stuff that makes no sense happened in the dream, but that is the only part that remotely connects to this thread.
What was Tim wearing and were the beagles with him?
There were no beagles. He was talking to people and looking very work busy.
clothes? I dunno, something nondescript. these are not the things I usually remember from my dreams.
Nothing really to see here. It's just been so sad seeing the thread drop lower and lower on the 'most recently posted' list, I wanted to give it a bump up. Feel free to ignore.
Hey! I just bought my ticket to Monique's wedding!
It is sad. The lack of postings, not the ticket purchase. I was thinking of posting something the other day, actually a plea to Tim, and then decided it was too snarky or perhaps too pathetic. I don't know what I was thinking. Too snarky? Too pathetic? For this thread? I'll see if I can come up with it again.