Joss posted at the Beta last night (is it cool to just copy his posts over to here, or not? I dunno if there is etiquette.) Made me laugh (of course) and cry (of course). He does that laughter through tears things pretty well, that guy.
I have to copy one sentence. It gave me a happy that might even last me until we see more Jossverse on TV.
I had dinner with Tim Minear the other night, and we talked about what kind of show we want to make next.
Off to read Jess' hubby's interview.
I'm still angry about the "Thank you from your friends at the WB" promo last night. For one shining second I was, oddly, both torn apart and uplifted, but then? Anger, anger, anger. It just wasn't the time.
I shouldn't dwell on this. But it smarts.
I think that Angel asked Lorne to kill Lindsey, for three reasons: 1. The "I'll do this one last thing for you" 2. Angel being so certain that Lindsey wasn't coming back 3. Why else would Lorne have had a gun?
I actually have not minded Connor in the last two episodes. I especially liked "You drop by for a coffee and the world's not ending? Please."
BTW, the series finale will be reaired tonight at 8:00 p.m.
I especially liked "You drop by for a coffee and the world's not ending? Please."
I liked that especially because (for me) it called back to Willow's "You're 200 years old and you don't have time for coffee?" speech. Probably unintentionally, but it still made me giddily happy that Angel had time for coffee with Connor.
liked that especially because (for me) it called back to Willow's "You're 200 years old and you don't have time for coffee?" speech
Yes! It's like, very slowly, Angel has become known for his reluctance to have coffee in all but the most dire of situations.
Probably unintentionally, but it still made me giddily happy that Angel had time for coffee with Connor.
Oh, I thought it was totally intentional, and a nice illustration of both what Angel's managed to learn about what's really important.
It was really great they found a necrotempered cafe.
Speaking of....mmm, coffee.
It was really great they found a necrotempered cafe.
But they *sputter*...were they sitting in the window....*hey*.
That's a very good point, ita, and it makes my brain hurt. Guess they got kind of loose on that whole sunlight thing toward the end.