Not really happy about the death of Lindsey (not just on a liking the character level, but on a "I don't get the reasoning behind it" level.)
I'm liking Joe's theory. Killing Lindsey was Lorne acting solo. He'd read Lindsey, had seen him returning to evil, and couldn't let him live.
t on edit
but Madrigal's theory is good too. Hmmm....
Really, it does sort of fit for Angel to end this way because the emphasis with him wasn't the reward, or actually being able to atone. It's like what Buffy said in "Amends" - strong is fighting, and it's what the good guys do everyday. For Angel inactivity would be the bad ending.
Um. They're all dead. Or I read them as all dead, but going down fighting.
Unless there are TV movies.
Or Illyria might survive, because she's the one left who'd want it least.
I'm just so relieved Connor got out. For now.
In with everybody else on the WB hate. I watched that montage and thought "If you were the crew's friends, you wouldn't have cancelled the damn show." Argh. Asshats.
Though at least they didn't drown out the Grr...Argh this time. I think there'd be mob with torches and pitchforks storming their gates right now if they had.
emphasis with him wasn't the reward
Yup. We saw that when he gave up the Gem of Amara and when he asked to be turned back into a vampire after his brief stint at humanity in IWRY. So, losing the Shanshu wasn't a deal to him. Spike even tweaked him without knowing he'd given it up and Angel said nothing to him. In the long run, Angel fights because it's what he does.
People have summed up my words well enough.
Including these:
I had the impression that Lorne had heard Lindsey sing, in fact he'd been hearing Lindsey sing for years at Caritas, and he told Angel what he was going to do - I think he might have held off until he found out that Angel was considering to let him live. And I also do think that Angel having Lorne kill Lindsey was his last spit at W&H - he refused to play their game by trying to kill the guy himself, he just had an employee do it.
I'm really really sad that Angel is gone. I watched the first episode of Buffy and the first episode of Angel but with both of them I missed seasons because my life got in the way.
And then I found Table Talk and the Buffistas. I don't remember exactly when I started posting on Table Talk (Although I think at one point DX looked it up for me), but you guys have been incredible and I'm so so happy that I'll get to meet more of you in DC.