Also? Sara(h?) Brown(e?) who played the original Carly Manning on General Hospital. That role was written for her, and it is likely that nobody who could have done anything about it had any idea.
Sarah Brown would have rocked as Eve. (By the by Cindy, the actress who took over as Carly is leaving this Spring and the characte that Sarah played on another soap just got killed off. So, ... maybe GH will hire her back.)
Oh Narrator, I might have to watch again. I think I stopped watching as soon as Carly was re-cast. That wasn't the only reason--having the kids around was it, as much as anything, but with someone else in the role, I wasn't so enticed to stay with it, and keep up with the taping. It's not even anything against the Nu!Carly actress, because I didn't give her a chance. I'm usually okay with recasts (although I think they're kind of dumb, and usually think a character should be written out, and then a new one should come in, to fill the same function).
NuCarly was pretty good. I think it helped that Carly was moving in a different direction at the time as well, and the changes dovetailed.
(What, this isn't the "General Hospital" thread?)
if it had been Lilah instead of Eve would we have bought the heroes being able to outwit her and keep her in the dark about stuff?
Yes, because Lilah was the Least Competent Villainness Ever.
Yes, because Lilah was the Least Competent Villainness Ever.
In S2, yes. In S3 and 4, no.
I missed Lilah desperately, but if she'd hung around we'd all be too busy watching Wes-Lilah and not cared about the ol' loveable doofus in the main office.
OK, some people may not find him loveable, but I do.
Yeah, with that transition from Bethany's recruitment and the failed wiretap attempt to going under Leland's head in Season 4, she'd have been a good candidate for those "You've come a long way, Baby" cigarette ads.
So, I just netflixed Angel season two. Why is the first episode called "Judgement?" With that spelling? Was it spelled that way, or did the dvd makers just screw up?
Alibelle, that's always bugged me too. I think that's supposed to be acceptable spelling. In some circles.
"Judgement" with an "e" is indeed an acceptable spelling. Just not amongst lawyers.