P.M., which Darin Morgan-penned episode did you prefer? The Jose Chung one or the Devils in the Diner one? I thought they were both fantastic, and w/o getting spoilery, do you remember actor Bobby Wingood?
Devils in the Diner, which was beyond wonderful. I thought the Jose Chung one was uneven and a little overdone. Also, as a semi-coda to JCFOS, not needed.
Devils in the Diner, which was beyond wonderful. I thought the Jose Chung one was uneven and a little overdone. Also, as a semi-coda to JCFOS, not needed.
Worth it for the
cameo alone. Also, smilin' Frank Black. But I'll agree the Scientology rip was a tad obvious, and conflating it with a Depak Chopra type made no sense.
I always hoped for a reappearance of Yappi as a fake psychic on one of the Mutant Enemy shows.
I always hoped for a reappearance of Yappi as a fake psychic on one of the Mutant Enemy shows.
Heh. I think there was an immense subliminal desire out there for some tangential Buffyverse/X-Files crossover.
At least we got a couple of X-Files references in Buffy and Angel. Too bad there hasn't been any BtVS reference in TXF.
There are a few X-Files-Buffyverse fics out there. Some of them are pretty good.
Ah well, at least Farscape referenced Buffy. Better that than being forced to watch a late season X-Files episode to hear one fan shoutout.
I still don't remember the butt genie, and I was sure I'd seen every X-Files episode, even if the last 3 seasons or so were mostly a masochistic exercise. Maybe I've intentionally repressed the memory.
I still don't remember the butt genie, and I was sure I'd seen every X-Files episode, even if the last 3 seasons or so were mostly a masochistic exercise. Maybe I've intentionally repressed the memory.
You probably aren't the only one. I would have given anything to be a fly on the wall for the first script reading.
Worth it for the Duchovny cameo alone
Ack! Don't mention it! I mentioned Bobby Wingood (even getting out my X-Files reference book which has laid dust-covered in my room these many years) but purposely avoided mentioning Duchovny; I just remember how funny the suprise was the first time I saw it.
I would have given anything to be a fly on the wall for the first script reading.
I would have been surprised they were even bothering with first script readings by that point.
The Stupendous Yappi in the Jossverse would have been great, as would any little reference to the Carterverse; a big crossover would have been obtrusive, but little things like that would have kicked all kinds of ass. How about Jose Chung returning to write a book about vampires, so we got to see the Angel or Buffy gangs through his eyes?
s(c'mon, Chung doesn't have to have been All dead!)
I did have one wacky idea for an X-Files/Angel crossover though. In late 2001/2002 a Jerry Springer ep, "My baby is going to play a pivotal role in the Apocalypse" w/ both Baby William and Connor appearing and ending in a huge brawl w/ Mulder and Angel vs. Holtz and the Aliens.
Another one I had was Skinner and Lorne comparing notes on shooting one-armed morally ambiguous villains.
I'm so glad that Joss Whedon doesn't think like Chris Carter though; we'd currently be in Buffy Season Nine despite SMG having left (there'd be one that was just her e-mailing Angel though), and Willow would have been pregnant for two years or something.