t Goes to stand behind Lilty in the OiS meh-space.
Sorry, but I tried to watch that episode 4 times before I succeeded in watching it all the way through. The thing I liked the most about the episode? Nilly's review. Otherwise, it's all OoG and War Stories for me. As for single greatest ME ep? I don't know I can say. Any greatest ep I proposed would actually be more in the line of favoritist ep. That said, then I have to go for OMWF, Hush, Restless, the Body...take your pick. As much as I like Angel, the show was always second string for me. If there's no Buffy, there's at least Angel.
OK. I can accept that.
Given that you're a self-avowed anarchist, victor, I'm not surprised.
But NUMERO CINCO...where did that come from?
Who wrote that episode - I've forgotten? Was it Edlund?
It was so....from the heart, and had such familariarity with the subject matter. It showed RESPECT! For something so...I want to say ridiculous, because I didn't grow up with that particular cultural trope, but I can so appreciate it. Even when MST3K did those kind of movies, they handled them just right.
But, as I said: "Fall Out". Saw it in the junior high/high school years and it kinda was a primal/formative experience. As if the rest of THE PRISONER wasn't warping enough at that age.
Who wrote that episode - I've forgotten? Was it Edlund?
Written and directed by Jeff Bell, and yeah, it captured everything that was strange and magical about los luchadores.
The thing I liked the most about the episode? Nilly's review.
I liked the leaves on the floor. Just the visual. That was OiS, right? Dang, I'm sleepy now and really REALLY need to put the laptop away and go to bed.
That was OiS, right?
You are remembering correct. Where River thought she was holding a branch, but was really holding a gun.
No force in the 'verse...
I am watching Lineage now. I love my Tivo.
I loved Numero Cinco, but to me it felt more like a short story set in the Angelverse than a chapter in the novel that was AtS. And I'm a novel girl.
ETA: And that's really the core of my Firefly mourning. It had the goods to be a nice meaty multivolume epic, but all we got was a little novella.
I loved Numero Cinco, but to me it felt more like a short story set in the Angelverse than a chapter in the novel that was AtS. And I'm a novel girl.
Oh definitely. Had it come any later in the season, I'm not sure I would have loved it quite so much (once things started getting arc-y I mean). But as it was -
My favorite is "Objects in Restless Gas. With Feeling."
Hmm...how about "Hush, we're Becoming Objects in Restless Gas that makes you Smile (Time) and does Not Fade Away. With Feeling.
I'd pick "Prophecy Girl" as best hour of TV ever. With "Innocence," "Once More, With Feeling," "Rm w/a Vu" and "Reunion" all duking it out for second place depending on my mood.
While not my favorites per se, the strongest emotional reactions I've had have been to "The Body" (weeping uncontrollably) and "Smile Time" (laughing uncontrollably).