I don't think that Mal thinks it's odd for a woman to be a mechanic or a soldier, probably because of his upbringing. On core worlds there are probably few if any gender-assigned jobs. But on frontier planets, things tend to fall into more old-fashioned ruts. Women cook, wash, tend the babies, men hunt, build, tend the fields. There would be crossover, sure. But probably, the more primitive the conditions, the more stereotypical the role, and the more difficult it would be to step outside that assigned role. There would be either laws or public opinion against it. Possibly religious rules.
So, Mal having been raised on a fairly well-established world (canNOT remember the name of the planet. Sorry), not one just immediately terraformed and populated, I'd imagine gender roles would be defined, but not as stringently as on more primitive, or newer, planets.
I am, I realize, talking completely out of my ass. But I can't sleep and it amuses me to spin out these impressions I've held, based on my own experience and expectations, nothing more.
I meant to go to sleep, but I wandered back by and saw krav...
Nilly hasn't been to krav maga yet, Tal. Her schedule got moved around at the last moment this morning, so she'll be coming to class on Wednesday.
I just realized, I am going to have to take the class, too, ita, aren't I?
my fanwank as a theory, BTW. Never has it since been discussed on the air.
aha! thanks for that. i thought maybe i had gone senile and forgotten that.
Why yes, Lee...
Tal, it's pretty trendy, or was a few years ago. There are two different schools, and the one I belong to is very large and has schools all over the country.
I'm hopelessly biased, and find it very fun, good exercise, and practical.
Not trendy enough to have spread much outside London over here, sadly.
One of the reasons it's trendy here is that the school where I train is insanely aggressive on the business side too. I've heard other schools disdain the marketing push, but the fact it, it's spread like wildfire -- marketing isn't the evil (even if J-Lo comes up in every third krav google) -- the key is making sure the quality of the franchises is maintained.
But yeah, the KMNTC is an object lesson in how to sell a system. And it got sold to Angelina Jolie and J-Lo. My next hope is Halle Berry.
And it got sold to Angelina Jolie and J-Lo. My next hope is Halle Berry.
You do know it would be bad PR to cripple a celebrity in her introductory training session, right? Right?
You do know it would be bad PR to cripple a celebrity in her introductory training session, right? Right?
Well, maybe she could end up with legit reasons for cosmetic surgery.