I thought was the best friendship on television.
So did I. And that's why I thought it had a chance of moving into a totally adult romantic relationship, unlike the teenage angst of Buffy. To me, an adult relationship is built on a profound friendship. It's why it lasts. Buffy and Angel, as Spike so aptly put it, were never friends. Angel and Cordelia had a chance at something lasting. It was a natural segue from where they were at.
And, as Cindy said, even though it was going there storywise, it didn't work for me on screen.
It was a natural segue from where they were at.
I thought staying friends was an unnatural segue from there, but mostly in TV world, where everyone gets mixed and matched as much as possible.
I feel the lack of great adult mixed-sex friendships on TV more than I feel the lack of sexual relationships built on friendships.
So I wanted it to stay that way. Also, they acted it better.
I don't know if I would have minded an Angel/Cordelia romance, but then I never got to see one. Angel/St. Cordy made me want to gag.
I wish they'd never taught her to fight.
I wish they'd never taught her to fight.
I wish she hadn't gotten so good at it so instantly. I liked it initially since I was always bugged by the fact that it had never occured to Giles or Buffy that Willow and Xander might benefit from some basic self-defense fighting skills.
I like the idea that you can have a value in the fight against evil without being a ninja. That there was something else to bring to the battle. But no, they were tooling her up to be a worthy champion-mate.
At least Lilah never made a habit of the fist fight.
I think I was perhaps overly invested in the beauty of them as just friends. Because fuck, that's rare and wonderful.
Other than Dax and Sisko, I'm hard pressed to come up with one where they didn't eventually screw it up with romance (AU episode I just saw aside, which looked as squicky to Sisko as it did to me). Maybe Crichton and Chiana? Though they screwed that one up to in a way (a REALLY squicky way).
Mal and Zoe. Ed and Ruth-Anne. Will & Grace. The partners on Law & Order SVU.
smacks forhead
Mal & Zoe, duh. Will and Grace I'm not sure I'd count - the potential for romance is kind of missing (though...no, I can only hope that the show won't go there, not that I watch it anymore).
Oh, and those partners on Hill Street Blues (Ed Marinaro and...she's a film director now) - they never screwed that one up, did they? It's been ages since I watched that show (hell, not since it was on) and there were at least one or two seasons I missed or missed most of.