I like the idea that you can have a value in the fight against evil without being a ninja. That there was something else to bring to the battle. But no, they were tooling her up to be a worthy champion-mate.
At least Lilah never made a habit of the fist fight.
I think I was perhaps overly invested in the beauty of them as just friends. Because fuck, that's rare and wonderful.
Other than Dax and Sisko, I'm hard pressed to come up with one where they didn't eventually screw it up with romance (AU episode I just saw aside, which looked as squicky to Sisko as it did to me). Maybe Crichton and Chiana? Though they screwed that one up to in a way (a REALLY squicky way).
Mal and Zoe. Ed and Ruth-Anne. Will & Grace. The partners on Law & Order SVU.
smacks forhead
Mal & Zoe, duh. Will and Grace I'm not sure I'd count - the potential for romance is kind of missing (though...no, I can only hope that the show won't go there, not that I watch it anymore).
Oh, and those partners on Hill Street Blues (Ed Marinaro and...she's a film director now) - they never screwed that one up, did they? It's been ages since I watched that show (hell, not since it was on) and there were at least one or two seasons I missed or missed most of.
Mal and Zoe are comrades. There's a certain don't-fuck in there that I think mitigates it. I think Dax/Sisco doesn't work for me (as an example) primarily because it was Kurzon and Sisco to start with ... Sisco does a very transparent job of treating Jadzia like a new incarnation of an old friend.
I've also heard a rumour that Will's gay.
and those partners on Hill Street Blues
Although Coffey and... hell, I've forgotten her name. Played by Betty Thomas. Anyway, I think they did sleep together once, finally. I seem to recall she kind of had a crush on him, but I could be misremembering.
Anyway, I think they did sleep together once, finally.
I was afraid they might have gone there. Oh well.
I am particularly fond of the Miracle Snow of Amends.
Eek. I agree with Topic!Cindy on something! Seriously, I loved that bit. TPTB stepped in, not with a big save but a little one. It reminded me of Angel saving Kate when she tried to commit suicide in her apartment on whatever "Angel" ep that was -- he got in even though she had never invited him. TPTB stepped in again with a small help.
Also, Chris Beck's music over the snow is the best ever.
I think C/A could have worked.
Ah, back to normal. No, it never could or should have worked. They should have remained just friends.
"Magic Snow" is on my Christmas music CD.
My big(gest) problem with C/A is that she was there for all of the Sunnydale B/A stuff. And, with all the ugliness of a lot of their time in LA, I don't see her wanting to add a provenly trouble-making element, let alone put herself in that situation. Yeah, she loves him (certainly as a friend), but she's got no illusions about how wrong things can go with Angel. They never convinced me (and I'm not sure they could have), that she believed that any of that had changed.
If that makes sense.