The first appearance of BadAssWes at the battle in Pylea.
Wes and Lorne and the ill-timed lullabye.
Holtz and Justine with the knife in her hand.
Fred and Gunn at the carousel, because, as much as I didn't like that ship a lot of the time, it wasn't at all about Angel (I know, I know, show called Angel, but still)
Wes at the end of "Smile Time", because he got to be honestly happy for all of, like, 2 days.
Illyria's head-tilt in the headlights of the car in "Not Fade Away"
oh, and patriotic and/or musical theatre slut
"Take your best shot, little girl!" and Illyria's follow-through.
"Step away from the glass."
Ooo, KateP got one of mine.
Anything Faith, really. The dancing/fighting scene, the Wes torture scene, prison break, punching the shower wall...
B/c amyth reminded me of it the other day, when Lindsey and Lilah return as sole survivors from the wine cellar and everyone is staring at them and Lindsey does that look and fakeout move like, "WHAT?!" to all the people staring.
I don't think I explained that well. Here's a simpler one.
When Human!Darla bites Lindsey.
Phantom Dennis scrubbing Cordy's back after a nasty vision.
Kate Lockley's X-Files discussion with the lunkhead detective. "Scully's the chick, right?" *eyeroll*
eta Numfar's dance.
Phantom Dennis scrubbing Cordy's back after a nasty vision.
Ooh, ooh. Cordy yelling, "Phone!" and Phantom Dennis shuttling it to her.
Phantom Dennis pulling the covers over Cordy and bringing her tissues
in "Expecting"
One of my favorite moments was always:
The begging. That comes later.
I am a sick freak, I know. It's one of the few times in the Angel series that Angel the character actually scared me. Also, points for friction with Lilah that didn't turn out silly.
The first Skip scenes. He MADE that episode for me (what was it, "Billy"? or the one right before it). I know it's been mentioned, but BloodyFist!Fred.
Connor sealing Angel up in the coffin. Angel's dream in "Deep Down". Wes's Fred fantasy in [memfault] transforming into Illyria in real-time.
The climactic puppet fight in "Smile Time". Actually, all of "Smile Time".
ETA Wes's Angel impression in "Guise Will Be Guise" - what? Angel wasn't actually there - does that count?
Aren't these supposed to be favorite moments that didn't actually involve Angel himself?
Aw crap. You're right. My bad!
Some of those still qualify. I have edited accordingly.