The first Skip scenes. He MADE that episode for me (what was it, "Billy"? or the one right before it). I know it's been mentioned, but BloodyFist!Fred.
Connor sealing Angel up in the coffin. Angel's dream in "Deep Down". Wes's Fred fantasy in [memfault] transforming into Illyria in real-time.
The climactic puppet fight in "Smile Time". Actually, all of "Smile Time".
ETA Wes's Angel impression in "Guise Will Be Guise" - what? Angel wasn't actually there - does that count?
Aren't these supposed to be favorite moments that didn't actually involve Angel himself?
Aw crap. You're right. My bad!
Some of those still qualify. I have edited accordingly.
Fred tasering Connor.
I'll take away your bucket.
The scene between Wes and Lilah when he tries to burn her contract, and the relationship dollar scenes.
Faith telling Junior he needs a trip to the woodshed, and Connor's obvious respect/attraction for her.
attachments, Lindsay."
Paramedic: "You've just been through a very traumatic experience. Really, sir, you should be in a hospital."
Lindsey: "She saved me."
Paramedic as he is taking Lindsey's pulse, while others are putting the corpses into bodybags in the background.
Paramedic: "That maybe true, sir, but you should still be checked out by a doctor."
Lindsey: "There has to be a reason - why I'm the only one left alive."
Paramedic: "You're in shock. You need to see a doctor."
Lindsey with a slight smile: "I'm the only one left."
Man in the background: "Hey, we got a live one here."
Lindsey: "We do?"
Lindsey gets up and sees to paramedics help Lilah to her feet.
Lindsey: "Lilah."
the best part is the look on his face when he says, "We do?". heh.
Crap, you people have said just about everything. One of my favorites not mentioned yet is Cordy and Doyle's talk on the docks towards the end of
Cordelia was still snarky, but we were starting to get glimpses of something deeper.
Edited for stupidity in use of quick-edit formatting.
Wesley: (a blade springs out of his forearm contraption) Not all of us have muscle to fall back on. (retracts blade and walks away)
Gunn: What happened to you, man?
Wesley: (stops, turns) I had my throat cut and all my friends abandoned me. (leaves room)