Was anyone here into Gargoyles? I wasn't. But it looks like the creator, Greg Weisman, is one of us. I have never seen
but a friend linked this, elsewhere. Weisman is large with the Josslove, and makes a decent (and non-ass-kissy) comparison between the A:ts and BtVS series finales.
It's the second entry down from the top (time stamp: Thursday, May 20, 2004 04:59:01 PM).
WARNING, the top entry (Monday, May 24, 2004 05:18:21 PM) looks like it contains current season (near the end or end) spoilers for JoA and GG.
Now, from the
one of us
Just a couple years ago, I was in Whedon heaven. Buffy. Angel. Firefly. And any minute the Buffy Animated Series (which I was SO dying to work on, but couldn't even get my foot in the door) and Ripper. How did five series (four set in the Buffyverse) drop down to zero in just 18 months?
The Punisher is mostly just annoying.
Yeah, but Batman had a gay sidekick, whereas Angel just had Spike.
After "Origin," I envisioned this whole S6 where Connor sneaks away from college/his family to patrol with Angel, a la Bats and Tim Drake.
Dude. Still want that.
See, the only thing I know about comics is that DR and Quinch totally rocked.
Was anyone here into Gargoyles?
Yes! Great show. That's a nice little post there.
Gargoyles was pretty awesome.
He forgot (in his top post) about That '70s Show, the best sitcom I've seen since The Mary Tyler Moore Show.
That is all.
I couldn't even get my foot in the door
Awww... that's sad. Maybe he will, if it revives itself, eventually. Gargoyles was definitely up there in my list of cartoons, back in the day - it was smarter than most of the stuff I watched, most definitely.
The Punisher is mostly just annoying
How so? Once you get past the overexposed 'Look at me, I've got four monthly books of my own and guest spots all over the place and I still don't kill anybody worthwhile' choices the company made with him, there's some good stuff there. I mean, he's not the best candidate for discussion in this thread, true. Every once in a while Frank stops and squints really hard, trying to see where redemtion lies, making sure he's still moving directly away from it at speed. Punisher v. Daredevil is always gold. Vigilante with a shotgun versus vigilante with a law degree.
And yes. Gargoyles was bloody amazing. Only disney product I could stomach until PoTC. Up here, it used to be on right after Freakazoid, who did the Lawn Gnomes parody of Gargoyles. Now that was an hour of television to behold.
Was anyone here into Gargoyles?
I didn't see the show until a couple of years ago. It rocks. Pity the last season was taken over by Disney animators who decided Elise should look like an Ariel clone.
Disney can only blame itself for the crash of Gargoyles. Two great seasons with detailed, well done characters. Then animated by artists who decided it should be more cartoony.
I read Punisher way back in the day when Jim Lee was doing it -- maybe it's better now, but he lacked emotional complexity. Very pretty though. Jim Lee does the best wet hair ever.
He was all the gritty but with none of the appealing psychosis of Bats or animal magnetism of Wolvie.
I figure I can see that. Like I said, his gimmick is pretty thin. He shows up best in crossovers and guest spots with people who's morality is more acceptable, like DD and Spidey. The current series is fun for the amazingly innovative meanness Ennis comes up with on a regular basis, but he decided from the start not to try and go anywhere beyond the superficial. The only real change is how much Punny enjoys his work now.