How much do I love Anne?
The line starts to my rear brenda (because it's a readily identifiable spot).
In other words, the vampire with a soul does wind up playing a pivotal role in THE apocalypse.
He triggers it.
Yes! Because that's what Angels do best. And frequently in an alley. Sometimes with rain. Poor Angel.
The guac is green, so it can apparently be foiled with yellow. Fucking Green Lantern. His enemies piss in the snow while he's bound in Crime Scene Tape and the guy is toast. Why is this a superhero?
Sigh. Between Green Lantern and Aquaman, I'm having some serious doubts about this whole superhero thing. I guess it's because I didn't grow up with it or something, because my husband really digs Green Lantern and I was like but..but...his weakness is a color?! I think I could kill Green Lantern. I have some yellow sweaters.
I think I'm only feeling wont do defend Green Lantern because he rocks so hard on the JL cartoon, but since he's a big muscly guy, you'd have to bring more to the party than yellow, since only it's his ring that wouldn't work against yellow -- not anything else.
Also, the current Earth Green Lantern's ring has no such weakness.
What's wrong with Aquaman?
ita, what are you doing up so early?
I'm always up this early. What's your excuse? Is this your new hours?
It will be next week, but I just woke up early today because I'm worried about work, so , you know, guaranteeing less sleep and feeling exhausted all day will put me in the best shape for handling it.
- gives angry look at own brain*
Bah. Maybe you should try ice cream.
Ice cream, you say? Like FOOD would help with my serious work problem.
Ima gonna get chocolate.
It is quite possibly the stupidest weakness since the 1940s Wonder Woman men-tie-her-up vulnerability.
No -- that one was HOTT.
What's wrong with Aquaman?
Communicating with *fish*? What kind of superpower is THAT?
What kind of superpower is THAT?
It's not his only one -- he has super strength and endurance and can also control land animals.
I wouldn't kick it out of bed for eating crackers.