I forgot about Spike. Lindsey is perfectly free to kill Angel, because the Senior Partners would still have one vampire with a soul. That's what all the business in "Destiny" was about. And the sacrifice, I think, may have been specified to be a hero/warrior, which Angel (and Drogyn) is. Also, killing Angel would prove to the Black Thorn that Lindsey's bad, despite having left Wolfram and Hart.
It's all falling into place. Of course, that place is nowhere near this place.
also agree with the Apocalypse being a long-term thing, not a "Oh my God, the world's going to end tomorrow." sort of deal.
It's not a fire and brimstone thing. It's the world outside your window, slowly, steaduily going to Hell.
First test screencaps from the episode.
Wes Smile
Wes Smile alternate.
Wes #2
Hands Up
Opinions welcome. I used photoshop to auto level the dark Wes and Spike ones.
It's not a fire and brimstone thing. It's the world outside your window, slowly, steaduily going to Hell.
It surely is, but I don't need a TV show to tell me *that*.
I don't think Lindsey's spoken a single sense-making sentence this whole season. And I found it more than a little annoying.
Yes. I get that he's been trying to join the Circle, since I was told it, but I can't get from
Dead End to this season in a believable way. I understand that they like CK and wanted him back, but they could have had him explain his change in attitude to Eve or something and I would have a lot less problem with his character arc.
Dan, as ever, your caps are great. In fact, this time around they seem especially wonderful. Without you, I'd never see the eps clearly.
Gotta say, I'd have expected Spike to say, "F.. er, um, hell yeah, I'm in," rather than that almost cautious hand-raise.
Spike is the only one of them who has paid the (pen)ultimate price Angel's talking about. He knows in concrete terms what they can expect, because he didn't expect to come back after the last Buffy!Apocolypse.
I just wanted to say that this is the best thread title ever. Makes me all sniffly.
OK. Saw the ep. And even though I was spoiled by the thread, the ending got to me.
So who dies? I'll go out on a (unspoiled) limb. Show called Angel ending. Show called Angel ends with end of Angel's journey -- he gets dusted.
Though this means "movies next year" was a fake-out.
Show called Angel ending. Show called Angel ends with end of Angel's journey -- he gets dusted.
Joss said he always planned to kill Buffy in the fifth season finale. There'd be some nice parallelism. But *sniff* I don't want him to die.
What is the origin of the phrase "show called Angel"? It's the title of the spoiler thread, so I figure it has some sort of meaning I'm missing.