Well, neither does Closing Time. Just a little too . . . . frivolous, I think.
Dude, there's NOTHING frivolous about Closing Time if you examine the combination of lyrics and music. It's half the way to mournful, with a wry sense of humour about it. Perfect wake song.
It's also less abstract, more personal than The Future. The Future isn't a song that plays well with others. The narrator is separate from the apocalypse, a witness to rather than a participant in.
I haven't heard LC's Closing Time, but don't see frivolity in the lyrics themselves, so much as desperation. Is it the melody that's frivolous to you, or am I missing something in the lyrics?
There's no frivolity in the music, either. E-me, and I'll hook you up.
The Future isn't a song that plays well with others.
See? Season 4 Connor vid then, and I don't know anything about Cohen.
I do want a Hallelujah-B/A vid though now. *cough*
Plei, which address is best?
Well, not that anyone cares(!) but I always thought this Neil Finn song would be perfect for a Connor/Angel video.
Goodnight, bless you
Let angels possess you
You'll make dreams of another life
Don't think, it's too much
To close your eyes and leave us
In strange places we come undone
And the building blocks
Sometimes have to crash
Not meant to last
Like a mother's love
It's real life, it's all true
You know how I'll miss you
In quiet moments I'll come undone
And the building blocks
Sometimes have to crash
Not meant to last like a mother's love
Sleep comes when all is laid to rest
That's when you'll find what you're looking for
So. one bit of fic that will have to be written to answer one great, unanswered question of the last two episodes:
How the Hell did Angel get Harry Potter's amulet?
As I compare the Buffy finale to the Angel finale, I see one overriding thing common, and it's like i can see plot bunny ears scattering about. I remember seeing an article on the Internet or some other venue where Whedon said he would craft season finales as if they were series finales (just in case the ratings doomed them to cancellation). The Angel finale wasn't about closure as much as it was a rain check, in my opinion. This show is dead, but the idea of it is still alive -- and our parting gift was that the primary -- Angel -- had committed to fight. The Buffy finale was left with a sense of openness--life beyond the arc of Sunnydale. Someone could pick those ideas up and make them work again. From one end, a beginning, so on and so forth.
I agree with many here that substantively the greatest loss in terms of a character was Wesley's. He had one of the best combinations of intellectual agility and physical strength in the entire Buffy-Angel mythos. And we got to see him change from his arrival in Buffy S3. His was one of the great character evolutions of both series.
Ahem, I'm afraid you'll have to pry Tom Waits first album (album title: Closing Time, and it's the last song on the record) from my dead cold fingers before you're allowed to bogart that title.
I'm with Plei on the Leonard Cohen love, and offer my assistance to her Universe-Ruling efforts!
After reading the recent posts I have an image in my mind of Batman dripping wet in a rainy alleyway trading punches with Joker to the sound of "Take This Waltz". Bizarre.