Do you buy into the prophecy idea in fiction in general?
No. Actually I hate it most times, as in, say, Megan Whalen Turner's The Thief of Attolia.
People, people, people. If you're gonna be in a dark alley, surely it's got to be raining. It always rains at night in drama-land, didn't you know?
I totally called the alley imagery in my first post afterwords.
I suppose there's room for a discussion of what alleys are, what they mean, why it's important that the show end in an alley, outside the civilized spaces. But yeah: Angel's vamping, Darla's death, Faith's moment of despair, the business in Orpheus, the first meeting with Buffy, the rise of the BRS: all in alleys.
(Nitpick for Nutty: It's Queen of Attolia. The Thief, which I liked rather more, was the first one.)
I think Spike hasn't been Love's bitch as much since he had his psychological Oedipal issues finally ironed out after getting the soul and in the fight with Wood.
I still smile at the fittingness of Spike fighting and winning a battle against a character called Wood.
suppose there's room for a discussion of what alleys are, what they mean,
Dude. Total birth canal.
Of course, I may just be randomly making stuff up.
Especially a rainy one. At first I was wondering if the alley scene was because Hyperion set wasn't available anymore. Then I thought it was because of the rain. Faith's big emotional turning point was in a rain-soaked alley. Connor was born and Darla died in a rain-soaked alley. I bet if they had a chance to go back and reshoot the scene, it would have been raining in the alley in Ireland when Darla turned Angel.
And what about when Whistler found him in the alley?
Alleys being places of garbage, danger, hiding, violence, and occasional sex.
OK, not as much fun as a birth canal.
the first meeting with Buffy
Ooh, forgot about that one.
the rise of the BRS: all in alleys.
Also, don't forget--hold on, that's what you're talking about, isn't it. Beast Resembling Satan?
Close. Big Rubber Satan.
Ah! BRDS, how we loathed thee.
Ah! BRDS, how we loathed thee.
Big Rubber Destructive Satan?