Also - I think people are missing a point here. A lot of the fan wanking is not to argue that this is how it would go, but that the point is the ending is unresolved We've outline a bunch of scenarios where everybody lives; we could even more easily do a lot of variations on how everyone dies. And everything in between - where some live and some die.
And that is the essence of the ending. The fight contiues - what happens next is unresolved. By not telling any one story it tells all the stories.
Also wondering if it's a problem that the Deeper Well no longer has a guardian.
This is the one thing that bothers me about Power Play and the finale - Angel killing Drogyn. Maybe there was a good reason for it, or maybe Drogyn was in on the plan, or maybe Drogyn was evil in some way. But the only canonical justification Angel provides is "they would have killed both of us", coupled with the underlying justification that the ends (striking a major blow at evil) justify the means (killing an innocent.) I'm not satisfied.
This theme is actually paralleled in this season's 24. (Whitefonted)
Earlier in the season Jack pulls the trigger on Chase w/o knowing the gun isn't loaded. He was ready to kill him for the greater good. And of course more recently Jack kills Chapelle, again, for the greater good. The difference there is that Jack was trying to prevent the direct threatof a biological weapon being released and killing a zillion people
Angel, OTOH, chose to take on the Black Thorn, not to save a zillion people directly (indirectly perhaps) but to take a stand and make it hurt. A laudable goal no doubt, but I'm not buying that it's worth the death of the keeper of Deeper Well.
I think the reason Joss is irritated is that he cut costs, got ratings up, and they still ended the show. He delivered what he thought was the target in terms of ratings and costs, and it still wasn't good enough. IF someone gives me a really tough goal, I meet it, and they tell me I'm losing my job cause that is not good enough - I'm pissed.
So it irks me greatly that Joss was taken by some huge surprise. Why? They barely squeaked by to get this one.
I agree, but I also can't really imagine Joss NOT being surprised. He just doesn't seem to think that way.
So it irks me greatly that Joss was taken by some huge surprise. Why? They barely squeaked by to get this one.
Well, without reading his mind, I think the surprise was because the ratings went UP this season. I think it's reasonable to assume that if the ratings go up, the show stays on the air. Of course, there are other factors -- maybe some of the contracts were up for renewal, so the show would be more expensive to bring back, it didn't get a big audience for repeats (non-"Fresh" episodes), etc. that should have dampered any optimism. But I don't think he was wrong to anticipate a renewal.
That's "Eternity," but yeah.
smacks forehead
So it irks me greatly that Joss was taken by some huge surprise. Why? They barely squeaked by to get this one.
Their ratings did improve this year, right? That's the only thing I can think of that would make him think he had a better chance of renewal.
He was also probably just talking some residual smack over the whole WB/Buffy kerfuffle, now that he has nothing to lose. Lord knows that "Thank you" note after the episode made ME (as in I, not M.E.) want to slap a few WB executives around.
eta a forgotten "also" and to "hee" at the massive x-post
I think it's reasonable to assume that if the ratings go up, the show stays on the air.
Networks are reasonable?
I'm so cynical that it's difficult for me to not raise an eyebrow. Maybe I'd be more hopeful if it were my baby. I thought it was a crapshoot re: renewal, and although saddened for the crew, not surprised, or even pissed off.
And that's why he doesn't stake Harmony - he still has hope for her, despite everything. No time to help her right now, but hope.
Why not for Lindsey, then?
Others have said it, but, hey! I've caught up!
Lindsey had his redemption. Sometime since
Dead End
, though, he gave it up and went back to the dark side.
Some Friday Afternoon Reading
that some of these quotes are from us.