You'll have to ask Nilly, who is clearly the favorite.
Lovesick, my Ass!
[NAFDA] Discussion of all Wonderfalls episodes, including the unaired ones. When discussing Wonderfalls, anything goes. Safe-words and white fonting are not needed. Spoilers for other shows are verboten. Posts with offers to buy, sell, or trade copies of episodes will be deleted.
Thanks for the Crime Dog caps. Those are great!
No problem. I added a few more to my site a few minutes ago. I really love the ones of Jaye, Eric and Aaron, especially.
Allyson, I'm pretty sure "Muffin Buffalo" has a shoutout to one of your former Tim-centric tag lines.
hee That's where her tagline came from. We might have busted something when we first heard it.
Wow, you gals saw the eps that long ago? I thought it was several months back that the "Are you there Tim?" line debuted.
Cindy, you can imagine how thoroughly I lost it at that point.
It's the best shout out, ever. It's better than Mr. Bogarty. It's probably even better than Ida Moon. Okay, maybe it's tied with the Polgara demon, but it's so elegant, and it manages to shout out to the rest of us—the made dead by a pinky brigade—thanks to Sharon's response. That was just precious.
I need to see that episode. I went on a reading jag at the end of last week, and liked everything I read, even the meanie pants stuff. But reading Totem Mole made me feel like I *had* to see it. I am a sucker for Chosen One stories, though.
Sigh. I hate all the people in the world responsible for the cancelation of Wonderfalls. I hope they get lumps in their mashed potatoes.
I'm importing this from Minearverse:
The stereotyping in Totem Mole made some of us (all of us?) cringe. But that's for spoilers.
So, here we are (or will be, once y'all wake up). Does anyone want to tell me about their cringing. I only read the episode—I haven't yet seen it. Cringing more occured to me, than happened to me, but I suspect some of the cringe-inducing stuff was either visual, or at least greatly aided by the visual. Please to talk, talky-meat!
I'm not very PC, so there was no cringing, too busy laughing. I'd love to see the bit where Jaye is trying to divert the feather from outing her as the chosen one. If that works half as well on film as it does in my head, it'll just kill. Just the perfect visual of her trying to dodge her destiny.
I'm feeling robbed again.
Cindy, I have about two minutes, but I'll get it started:
I can't recall what nation this was supposed to be, but I'm assuming it's related to Seneca or, at the very least, a tribe that is a member of the Iroquois confederacy.
1. Tribes in the Iroquois confederacy did NOT use teepees. Most Northeast tribes didn't, as a matter of fact. To have the grandmother laid out in a teepee is very, very wrong (right if it was supposed to be lets pull one over on the tourists, but it was specifically part of a larger religious ceremony). A longhouse, yes.
2.There would not have been a plains-indian style headdress. Something like a Gustoweh, yes. But not a huge headdress. (and now I can't remember if there was one or not or if I'm projecting because I was cringing so much).
3. Totem poles are unique to nations such as the Haida and Tshimshian, who are located in the Pacific Northwest.
4. The Mystic Shaman Indian is such a played-out (and, at times, incredibly offensive) trope that I cannot even deal. The fact that most Native Americans get portrayed in one of three roles (stoic warrior, mystic shaman and Keeper of the Earth) ends up being a continually and lame appropriation of culture. When Dianne was a badass lawyer, she was interesting to watch becuase she wasn't a stereotype.
Satsuma, Kat.
Also -- the totem pole is explicitly to get tourist attention, so I don't think it needs to be consdered as a scriptwriting attempt at authenticity.
Badass lawyer chick bothered me (a bit, obviously not entirely, because krav), but now that I think about it -- she's closer to the DropSquadWhiteyHating!BornAgainEducatedNegro stereotype. Quite possibly not as played out or boring in Native Americana.