OK - the other press. Brain slow today. losing ability to speak in complete sentences.
Lovesick, my Ass!
[NAFDA] Discussion of all Wonderfalls episodes, including the unaired ones. When discussing Wonderfalls, anything goes. Safe-words and white fonting are not needed. Spoilers for other shows are verboten. Posts with offers to buy, sell, or trade copies of episodes will be deleted.
Cindy, you can imagine how thoroughly I lost it at that point.
Thanks for the Crime Dog caps. Those are great!
Clearly, ita is the favorite.
Dude. What's the emoticon for ::flounce:: again?
You'll have to ask Nilly, who is clearly the favorite.
Thanks for the Crime Dog caps. Those are great!
No problem. I added a few more to my site a few minutes ago. I really love the ones of Jaye, Eric and Aaron, especially.
Allyson, I'm pretty sure "Muffin Buffalo" has a shoutout to one of your former Tim-centric tag lines.
hee That's where her tagline came from. We might have busted something when we first heard it.
Wow, you gals saw the eps that long ago? I thought it was several months back that the "Are you there Tim?" line debuted.