I mean, I couldn't "like" her because she was being mean to Sharon and Mahandra, though she was funny about it. I definitely thought she was more interesting and fun to watch before.
And less of a stereotype. Or not. More like less of the traditional shaman stereotype. She was a flat out bitch but funny.
And she had better hair.
Though I do wonder if Mahandra ever got tribal membership.
Even feather-encrusted vision ladies need self defense too.
I wonder how Eric manages to stand up at all, without a backbone. Shouldn't he just sort of reel around like a windsock?
His belief in love is jammed right up his ass. Keeps him aloft.
See, if the love was in his heart, and not jammed up his ass, he'd have just fucked Legolas and gotten over the Heidi Ho, long ago.
Oh. Slashfic.
Maybe Jaye teaches him the error of his schmoopy ways in the final episode.
Something I noticed about Lovesick Ass and liked -- the e-mail printouts looked like they were from hotmail. As in, not bogus. And in Cocktail Bunny, the search page was clearly google. Not sure about the results page, though. Maybe what we saw was the university pages that she was clicking for more detail.
Still, most often, the interweb looks bogus.
Also? Jaye uses a tangerine laptop imac.
Mahandra? Sexy panties. These ones, eh? In fact, I also liked that sparkly bra strap she had peeking out under the black top too.
But in black.
Sexy and yet not some ridiculously expensive, no waitress could afford it, panties.
There was more I liked. But it all runs together in WF goodness.