Illyria: We cling to what is gone. Is there anything in this life but grief? Wesley: There's love. There's hope...for some. There's hope that you'll find something worthy...that your life will lead you to some joy...that after can still be surprised. Illyria: Is that enough? Is that enough to live on?


Bureaucracy 3: Oh, so now you want to be part of the SOLUTION?  

A thread to discuss naming threads, board policy, new thread suggestions, and anything else that has to do with board administration and maintenance. Guaranteed to include lively debate and polls. Natter discouraged, but not deleted.

Current Stompy Feet: ita, Jon B, DXMachina, P.M. Marcontell, Liese S., amych

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bon bon - Jul 17, 2007 9:26:18 am PDT #9997 of 10001
It's five thousand for kissing, ten thousand for snuggling... End of list.

...In conclusion, Like Job. No, really, just like Job

Sophia Brooks - Jul 17, 2007 9:28:30 am PDT #9998 of 10001
Cats to become a rabbit should gather immediately now here

In conclusion, Like Job. No, really, just like Job

I am not sure why I cannot shut up in discussions like this. To be fair, I do this in meetings at work, too.

Frankenbuddha - Jul 17, 2007 9:29:46 am PDT #9999 of 10001
"We are the Goon Squad and we're coming to town...Beep! Beep!" - David Bowie, "Fashion"

I think the bigger issue is for us to discuss why it's TV threads driving so much voting and come up with a better long term solution for that.

I think it comes down to a combination of the following:
spoiler-aversion vs. couldn't care less (or whitefont-averse)
thread volume overwhelming specific discussion (either due to time or energy constraints)
bucket vs. thematic vs. single thread
change is good vs. change is bad vs. whatever works.

I'm sure I'm missing a few, but these seem to be the issues that keep coming up (and I didn't word them very elegantly, so apologies). The problem is that folks seem to have different combinations and degrees on each of the issues.

askye - Jul 17, 2007 9:30:24 am PDT #10000 of 10001
Thrive to spite them

There have been comments about how a small number of people can influence what happens on the board because they have enough votes. But if you look at the number of registered users we have (I'm not sure but it's around 2000 right?) we have a really small number actually voting.

In the past 6 voting issues (all tv thread related) the largest voter turn out was for the creation of the Heroes thread at 88 voters. The fewest was for the creation of Cable Original at 49 voters. The break down for the past six issues is:

Veronica Mars closing - 58

Cable Original creation - 49

Non Fiction creation - 69

Experimental - 65

Heroes - 88

Permium Cable creation - 53

Those seem like very small numbers if you compare it to our registered user total, but I'm not sure how small it is compared to the number of regular users we have. And I'd like to be able to compare the number of regular users we have to the number of people who are turning out to vote. One of our problems may just be a really low voter turn out and I'm not sure how to change that.

By regular users I'm not necessarily talking about people who post a lot, but how many people are reading the boards on a regular basis. (For the sake of argument I'm going to call "regular" as reading and/or posting at least once a week.)

Jon B. - Jul 17, 2007 9:35:35 am PDT #10001 of 10001
A turkey in every toilet -- only in America!

New thread. Just above the old thread.

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