A thread to discuss naming threads, board policy, new thread suggestions, and anything else that has to do with board administration and maintenance. Guaranteed to include lively debate and polls. Natter discouraged, but not deleted.
Current Stompy Feet: ita, Jon B, DXMachina, P.M. Marcontell, Liese S., amych
I hope this is the correct thread to discuss this, if it isn't, could someone kind direct me to the appropriate spot?
I noticed quite a few brand-new, spanking posters in the Spoilers thread all of the sudden (a series of posts that are VERY spoilery were linked in Twop). Not a huge deal, but I am wondering if a welcoming committee needs to be sent out or a reminder of the FAQ or something.
Has everyone been playing nicely so far, LeN? If so, I think we should be okay. It's perfectly possible they'll never stray outside that thread. But it would be interesting to welcome them in general and ask where they came from--I think we were linked to from Warren Ellis's site too.
Yes, they have been playing very nicely so far, I probably would have had a more alarmist post otherwise! :-)
There is just a lot more *discussion* in the thread that I am used to. Odd! :-)
Are people who come for spoilers likely to be posters who'll stay? No judgment intended, I'm just curious.
I was worried for a minute there that they would elect Jessica to godhead. (As if we hadn't done that already.)
I was worried for a minute there that they would elect Jessica to godhead.
This took me to all sorts of pregnant!Scully places.
None of which were good.
Nutty, hilarious. Really though, would you be surprised if there was a Temple of Jessica in there by Monday?
must. not. ref. spoilers. in. bcrazy.
Curse you, wee Nutty!
I was worried for a minute there that they would elect Jessica to godhead. (As if we hadn't done that already.)
As I have stated on multiple past occasions, I would totally promise to use my powers for good! Why doesn't anyone ever believe me?
What show(s) is(are) being discussed these days in Spoilers?