Really, my ONLY point was that negative feelings about a show/movie/book do not necessarily imply an inability to contribute to a discussion of said work in an intelligent and worthwhile fashion.
Wrod. (See tag line). In fact, sometimes I think it helps. TV shows, like books and movies, are fully constructed things. What's shown and not shown are both active choices. Criticism should be just as active a creative process: instead of saying "BuffyNAngle4EVAH!!!1!" tell me why that relationship was more compelling than Buffy/Riley or Buffy/Spike.
I've felt a bit of community pressure to never say anything negative about the ME shows, but not a lot. This group, unlike most other people/groups I know, never says, "Gawd, why can't you just sit there and watch the show without thinking?!?" I have definitely felt pressure to avoid saying negative stuff about Tim's shows, but I think that's because he's a Buffista and we tend to avoid saying negative stuff about each other's work.
However, as we know, there's a difference between, "UR SHOW SUX" and (not a Tim-show ref) "Her character would never have done that in the first season. We never saw anything that indicated she'd changed. Why is she doing that now?"