Question: Do we want this to be not so google-able? Which is the slug, again? Is it the one that appears at the top of the thread, or is it that which appears on the main page and message center page?
Suggestions for thread titles:
Reading Room
Buffista Biblioscopy
(I've been trying to think of something that evokes the Sunnydale High School Library, but all I'm coming with is Sunnydale High School Library and The Library. Maybe someone else can run with it?)
Possible thread title/name combos (they correspond to the quotes cited later, and the combos are not inseparable):
Reading Room: A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread
Reading Room: A Single Petticoat
Buffista Biblioscopy: The addictive semiconscious vice
Obligatory BtVS tie-ins
Buffista Biblioscopy: Isn't the point of computers to replace books?
Buffista Biblioscopy: A Cup of Bovril and a Good Book
Buffista Biblioscopy: We Enjoy Cross-Referencing
Buffista Biblioscopy: We Stuff Our Own Shirts
Buffista Biblioscopy: That's Some Deep Academia There
Buffista Biblioscopy: Sometimes There's Drool
Buffista Biblioscopy: I-I Must Consult My Books
Reading Room: All Summer With Your Nose In A Book
Buffista Biblioscopy: Depends On the Book
Quotes corresponding to above suggestions:
A Book of Verses underneath the Bough,
A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread—and Thou
Beside me singing in the Wilderness—
Oh, Wilderness were Paradise enow!
Omar Khayyám
The reading or non-reading a book will never keep down
a single petticoat.
Byron (re those warning young women not to read his Don Juan)
The addictive semiconscious vice of biblioscopy—having to see what the other person is reading, usually on a train … peering over shoulders, bending down to attend simultaneously to a shoelace and a dust jacket, furtively changing seats.
Nigel Andrew (London Times 11 Mar 85)
t obligatory-Buffy
Cordelia: "There are books on computers? Isn't the point of computers to replace books?"
to Buffy in The Dark Age
Buffy: So, you like to party with the students. Isn't that kinda skanky?
Giles: Oh, right, this is me having fun. Watching... clown hair prance about is hardly my idea of a party.
I'd much rather be at home with a cup of Bovril and a good book.
Welcome to the Hellmouth
Giles: I'll have you know that I have very, uh, many relaxing hobbies.
Buffy: Such as?
Giles: Well, um...
I enjoy cross-referencing.
Do you stuff your own shirts, or do you send them out?
Buffy: I mean I can't believe you got into Oxford!
Willow: It's pretty exciting.
That's some deep academia there.
Buffy: That's where they make Gileses.
Giles: The resources that the ... Watchers Council has at their disposal, I mean the Central Library alone is just...
Buffy: Don't talk about the books again. You get all ... and
sometimes there's drool.
Buffy: You're the Watcher. I just work here.
Giles: Yes,
I-I must consult my books.
Xander: Oh, eight minutes and thirty-three seconds, pay up. I called ten minutes before you'd consult your books about something. Thanks.
When She Was Bad
Giles: How was your summer?
Jenny: Extreme. I did Burning Man in Black Rock, ohhh, such a great festival, you should've been there. They had drum rituals, mobile sculptures, raves, naked mud dances, you would've just... hated it with a fiery passion!
Giles: I can't imagine finding any redeeming, uh... Naked?
Jenny: Hmm. And you probably
spent all summer with your nose in a book.
Giles: Yes. I suppose you'd consider that frightfully dull.
Depends on the book.
When She Was Bad
t /o-B
Other suggestions
From Ginger:
[re thread title] It could also be "Buffista Bibliobibuli."
[source quote] "There are people who read too much: bibliobibuli. I know some who are constantly drunk on books, as other men are drunk on whiskey or religion." —H. L. Mencken