"Professor Shaner, please allow Ms. Bug to take her exam early. She has been invited to participate in a select conference of writers, artists, and related professionals in Washington DC that weekend."
"Because, should you try to prevent her participating, we will send nanobots into your next paper for publication in the dead of night, and put stoopid and abbserd conklooshuns innit., and allso? Misspellings! - kisses, the F2F Gnomes"
(you have to imagine that last bit rendered in cut-out bits of newspaper)
(you have to imagine that last bit rendered in cut-out bits of newspaper)
I think there's a Ransom Note font available.
Heh. I checked - I don't have it (the ransom note font, that is).
That's not a font. That's a bunch of GIF files.
t /font snob
That's not a font. That's a bunch of GIF files.
Well...well...I know there are fonts out there. The company that did my beatnik font had a ransome note font. Not as cool as their insect limb font, though. (Note to self: insect limb font for billytea's birthday.)
I do not think those words mean what you think they mean.
I have nothing to wear for prom.
Will you be wearing a different size by then? (Somehow that keeps sounding rude in my head, but I mean -- pregnant! Baby grows! Big!)
D'oh. Prom's in like a month, right? Yeah, so ignore that bit.