For short haul it should be great. It was the long haul that was just horrid. It was also a cost thing when I flew them. There was a $500 price difference from LAX to Philly between ATA and the next cheapest airline.
F2F 2: Is there anybody here that hasn't slept together?
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: New Orleans! May 20-22, 2005!
oooh, just remembered - we have the Brickskeller in DC! more kinds of beers than you'd believe! purchased. Emily and I will be there. Yay!
That's the flight we're planning on booking. AirTran, right?
Yep. I know it sucks, but for a 90 minute flight how horrible can it be? (don't answer that).
Hey VW & Emily -- I'm staying until Tuesday afternoon because I'm going to visit my friend in Virginia for two days. I'm going to need a car for that time, but the more I think about it the more I realize that it might be easier to just get a car for the entire four days. If I do, I'll be able to give you two a ride!
Does the hotel have parking?
90 minutes should be fine. It was the 5 hours that was soul sucking.
Everyone is getting their stuff booked! Woot!
My leather kilt should arrive in two days!
Is it F2F time yet?
Miracleborns and Sean K, are y'all still planning to crash at my place Thursday night?
Also, if people think they might be able to come to my Thursday night cookout, please let me know at my profile addy sometime in the next few weeks. Thanks!
Miracleborns and Sean K, are y'all still planning to crash at my place Thursday nigh
Just insent regarding that. :)
I'll be in town for the BBQ, so as long as I can figure out a way to get to your place I'll be there. I'm staying at Raquel's from Wednesday and Thursday night.
oooh, just remembered - we have the Brickskeller in DC! more kinds of beers than you'd believe!
You know what's REALLY good? The Birchmere's own microbrew. I normally don't like beer much, but that stuff's nummy as hell.
Speaking of DC area beer.
And now I'm wondering who's going to be playing that weekend, and if I should try and get tickets. (The answer being, "No, you're broke, remember?" But still -- Birchmere!)
we have the Brickskeller in DC! more kinds of beers than you'd believe!
I've been there!