I didn't vote, I didn't really want NO to win, I have mad love for preferential voting, and especially seeing the results I think in retrospect it should've been used. And, I am currently listening to a very odd Jona Lewie track called
The Seed That Always Died.
But I'm in favour of moving on. The voting method may not have been perfect, but it was valid, it was agreed upon beforehand, and there was nothing procedural to be a problem. So I think the vote and the result were legitimate.
I suggest we learn from this and consider preferential voting for the next one. But for this one, I'm happy regarding NO as the legitimate choice.
So can I be one of the thirty, if I wasn't one of the sixty?
I didn't vote, I didn't really want NO to win, I have mad love for preferential voting, and especially seeing the results I think in retrospect it should've been used. And, I am currently listening to a very odd Jona Lewie track called The Seed That Always Died. But I'm in favour of moving on. The voting method may not have been perfect, but it was valid, it was agreed upon beforehand, and there was nothing procedural to be a problem. So I think the vote and the result were legitimate.
I'm with billytea, on every point in this paragraph, except for maybe not wanting NO to win (the reason I didn't vote was that I couldn't decide, and could see that it was going to be close, and didn't want my "Oh, just pick one already!" vote to be the deciding one). Also, not listening to Jona Lewie. But agreeing with every other point there.
I was for "check all you can attend". I didn't vote for NOLA. But ya know what? A whole bunch of people did. And I'll still plan/try to be there.
Accept. Move on.
I have no idea how to even bring this up, but oh well, I will anyhow ... are we still actually anti-preferential voting, or is it just residual dread around the idea from what happened when it first came up? That is, would anyone actually have thrown up their hands and shrieked if asked to rank the cities 1, 2, 3, 4, or does everyone just think other people would? Because I feel like I've heard a lot more of the latter.
(NB: I still think sticking with NO is the right pick. This is more about future decision-making.)
Accept and move on. While I'd have had no objections to a run-off if we'd decided beforehand to have one in the event of a close race, the time for that decision to be made was before the vote itself took place. Second guessing ourselves now would be pointless and aggravating.
That is, would anyone actually have thrown up their hands and shrieked if asked to rank the cities 1, 2, 3, 4, or does everyone just think other people would?
I fall out against preferential voting because I think it would invite situations where not everyone would agree on how the counting should be added up, and there would be the possibility of the legitimacy being called into question if a candidate with fewer first place votes won the point total.
I vote move on. NO wasn't my first pick, but I love it and I think the Buffistas will too.
Chiming in with the "move on". At this point, I would hate to see dissent sour the discussion and our excitement.
And HURRAY to plans for our next F2F! Tiaras! Too much candy! Fishnets! Oh, and we might have fun at the Prom, too.
I fall out against preferential voting because I think it would invite situations where not everyone would agree on how the counting should be added up, and there would be the possibility of the legitimacy being called into question if a candidate with fewer first place votes won the point total.
This is premature, but I probably won't be at the 2006 F2F either, and as a person with a limited stake in the outcome, I offer to do or audit the 2006 vote-counting, if we go preferential for that.
Ok. Popping in to thwart Seattle's Halloween planning get some feedback on my farewell tour. My intent is to roll up or down the West Coast (of America) prior to hopping my flight back to God's Own Country. Let me stress here that nothing is final and there are no promises. How I return will be influenced by many factors, including air fares, finances, work demands, family and plain old logistics. But if all goes to plan, I have some options mapped out, and I need some serious pimpage from the places concerned. Note: I have a limited time-frame. I'll already be taking leave without pay to do what I've mapped out here. Extending the total time is not happening. Tweaks are possible.
So here are my draft itineraries:
Option 1 - Southerly
Nov 15: Fly into Seattle.
Nov 17: Fly to San Fran.
Nov 19-20: Drive to L.A. There will be a stop at Monterey Aquarium, oh yes there will.
Nov 22: Fly, drive or train down to San Diego.
Nov 26: Return to L.A. airport, hop flight to Sydney.
Option 2 - Northerly
Nov 15: Fly into San Diego.
Nov 19: Fly, drive or train up to L.A.
Nov 21-22: Drive to San Fran. There will still be a stop at Monterey Aquarium.
Nov 22: Fly to Seattle.
Nov 26: Return to San Fran, hop flight to Sydney.
Option 3 - Also Southerly, but with a time delay.
Nov 22: Fly into Seattle.
Nov 24: Fly to San Fran.
Nov 26-27: Drive to L.A. Monterey. You know the drill.
Nov 29: Fly, drive or train down to San Diego.
Dec 3: Return to L.A. airport, hop flight to Sydney.
Some of the issues I've come up with: where am I spending Thanksgiving, where do the weekends fall, what will the weather be like, I prefer flying out of San Fran to L.A.
Does anyone have any comments? Suggestions, observations, and of course mad pimpage are all encouraged.