If it's not the express train, with reserved seating, I think it doesn't matter what which particular train you take, just the route. I'd check with them to be sure, but unless it's the Acela you should be okay.
'Objects In Space'
F2F 2: Is there anybody here that hasn't slept together?
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: New Orleans! May 20-22, 2005!
Thanks! I decided to go on one of the half-as-expensive cattlecars, so I should be good to go with buying a ticket the morning of.
Matt, the only times I've ever bought Amtrak tickets in advance were over Thanksgiving, when things do sell out. On a non-holiday weekend, you should have no problem buying your ticket at the station.
This weekend, I took the train DC-NY on Friday morning, and NY-DC Sunday afternoon. I bought tickets in advance. The Sunday one had a few extra seats. The Friday one was totally full, to the point where people who got on at the first stop after DC had to stand or sit in the cafe car until some other people got out in Baltimore and Wilmington. I don't know how many people bought tickets in advance and how many bought them at the station, though.
Ok, found 2 tickets for less than $500.00. Haven't booked yet, waiting to see if room on Visa clears up.
Yay Aimee!
Ok...so...looking at flights...just booked the hotel room for me and Emily. How big of a deal would it be to fly into BWI? The prices are like $100 less a ticket. Would someone be able to get us from there and get us back on Sunday?
probably afternoonish.
Emily said she found a bus that goes too, so we could probably do that. Still working on some things...
BWI also has a train to Union Station, which is a few blocks from the hotel.