Finally had a few minutes in front of today. I've added the line about Prom in Minneapolis being $200-$500. So it looks like it's all ready to go.
If it goes up on Thursday night should we leave the voting open over the weekend and close it at Noon pacific time on Monday and then we'll have our results following that?
Sounds good to me, ND. Might even want to extend the deadline to midnight Monday. Lots of people don't come anywhere near their computer on the weekend (not speaking personally here.) We need to give them a chance to catch up.
Maybe we should just wait until Friday night and run through Monday night? That way it's not just weekend voting, and no one has to vote while they're at work, in case they can't.
x-post of course. Sail's idea is fine, too.
Okay, so if it goes up Thursday night that gives all day on Friday for voting, as well as the weekend, and Noon Pacific means that it will be up for most of the day on the East coast on Monday. We can also just push it to 5 PM Pacific on Monday which gives two full work days, and two full weekend days.
5PM Pacific sounds great. Thanks for all your hard work, ND.
t takes a nip out of ND's tongue.
Careful...I bite.
t makes note in Sail's file
Gets back in line behind Trudy.
t Is goosed by Noise. Ignores him.