So. Lazy.
I'm sure that's the first thing that comes to anybody's mind when they think of you. t /rolls eyes, just once
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: New Orleans! May 20-22, 2005!
So. Lazy.
I'm sure that's the first thing that comes to anybody's mind when they think of you. t /rolls eyes, just once
And since I've been lazy in sending out the accounting, I appear to be hiding something.
Jeepers. I collected a thousand and ten dollars and sent it off in a cheque, it never even occurred to me to do a personalised accounting, and you're worried that you look like you're hiding something?
OK. If anyone needs an accounting, let me know, but I'm not sure how to do it, since unlike Nilly's, everything went to the same place. Mine was a lot easier gig than Allyson's - there weren't airline tickets and traveller's insurance and whatnots to deal with.
Allyson - you are absolutely unlazy.
Deb, it's totally an issue I have, where I'm terrified of being accused of wrongdoing.
Since Paypal transaction IDs SUCK (I get a different one than you get, as the receiver), I had to mine all the email addies from Paypal, assign each individual an ID number, and then have to separately email each of the 58 their transaction ID and the accounting.
Amount Transaction ID
20.00 ab01
25.00 ab02
200.00 ab03
25.00 ab04
50.00 ab05
10.00 ab06
50.00 ab07
50.00 ab08
50.00 ab09
30.00 ab10
25.00 ab11
10.00 ab12
20.00 ab13
25.00 ab14
50.00 ab15
150.00 ab16
$20.00 ab17
20.00 ab18
22.00 ab19
20.00 ab20
20.00 ab21
25.00 ab22
50.00 ab23
25.00 ab24
30.00 ab25
25.00 ab26
10.00 ab27
30.00 ab28
20.00 ab29
10.00 ab30
100.00 ab31
30.00 ab32
30.00 ab33
100.00 ab34
10.00 ab35
25.00 ab36
50.00 ab37
1000.00 ab38
3.00 ab39
50.00 ab40
10.00 ab41
150.00 ab42
20.00 ab43
20.00 ab44
10.00 ab45
20.00 ab46
25.00 ab47
25.00 ab48
50.00 ab49
25.00 ab50
25.00 ab51
25.00 ab52
25.00 ab53
50.00 ab54
100.00 ab55
25.00 ab56
50.00 ab57
20.00 ab58
Total $3190.00
So, I post in Press, anyone who didn't get an e means I stole their damn money and got a facial. Or maybe my record doesn't match theirs. The total should match the total amount spent on Nilly. This doesn't include Paypal fees.
Do I have to do more math?
No. You never have to math for me, deb. I completely trust you, and if you had needed the money, I'd have just sent it to you, anyhow.
Deb, it's totally an issue I have, where I'm terrified of being accused of wrongdoing.
I can see you doing that for a fandom project (First Book, for Marti, a save-our-show campaign). In my eyes though (deb, this goes for the erika gift), this was friends pitching in to give a present to another friend (a present from which we'd benefit). Different vibe.
This isn't something you need to do, deb, i mean, it wouldn't occur to me that you would take what wasnt yours.
It's just a way for me to make sure I didn't make an error, or worse, in case anyone ever accuses me, I have proof that I didn't hurt anyone.
My perspective is that I chipped in a little bit to help the group achieve a couple of very cool things. Said v. cool things happened, therefore it's all good. No additional math required on my account.
No slight intended to those who like or need such things, whether accounter or accountee.
It sounds cliche, but I just love all the love, and the stories, and the working together. Watching Nillyfest from afar has been a great experience. Not as good as taking part, but close. I would also like to thank JZ and the others who worked on the Nillyfest t-shirt. It's a beautiful shirt, and she was great about including non-attendees.
It's come to my attention that I have been a dick in taking some undeserved accolades and also in not sending out the anonymous accounting by now.
Okay, this is like pig-pile country again, but I have to add my two cents (no, probably don't have to, but I feel like I have to.)
Allyson, we wouldn't have Minearverse if it weren't for you. We wouldn't have Tim if it weren't for you. The conversation in Minearverse wouldn't have happened without you. Nilly wouldn't be here without you. Whether someone else could or could not do it, you did do it. I, along with many other people, gave a little so Erika could meet Nilly, people gave to get me to SF to meet Nilly, people gave to you to bring Nilly here. We were all given an amazing gift, but you've consistently pointed out others who were helpful in making it happen. I'd not only trust you with my money, I'd trust you with my children (though, really, you don't want them).
We wouldn't have Tim if it weren't for you.
Credit for this goes to Madeline Minear.