My tale of Nilly would be to shake my head at how she's much too nice for krav, and how I absolutely should have known it. I've never had to imagine someone's face on the target to hit it hard, because just hitting is a joy. But if I had to, I certainly could.
Nilly? She said there was a two day period (quite a while back, it sounded like) where she could have imagined a face, but right then, she had nothing. And didn't want to hit Polgara, because Polgara was nice. No matter how much trash I talked, Polgara remained too nice to hit. Just weird.
So sweet, so excited, and despite the whole "hurt people? why?" angle, she enjoyed herself. Very little self-consciousness, much enthusiasm and joy.
She also lies, lies up a storm, because she spent a lot of time complimenting my Hebrew pronunciation. Still, it's for a good cause (my ego), even if I can only remember the one word.