You seen one baby panda, you seen them all. Besides, airplanes!!!
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: New Orleans! May 20-22, 2005!
You seen one baby panda, you seen them all. Besides, airplanes!!!
I wanna do ALL the Museums and ALL the monuments and EVERYTHING EVERYTHING EVERYTHING!!!
Aimée, you have to walk like miles to see all the museum-y stuff on the Mall of the Americas. You might want to identify high points you can't pass up beforehand.
I wanna do ALL the Museums and ALL the monuments and EVERYTHING EVERYTHING EVERYTHING!!!
Shouldn't you be resting and stuff, a woman in your condition?
t runs away *very* fast...
Aimée, you have to walk like miles to see all the museum-y stuff on the Mall of the Americas. You might want to identify high points you can't pass up beforehand.
Yeah. Logic.
Shouldn't you be resting and stuff, a woman in your condition?
Pfft. Least I can ride a bike.
Y'all can hang with pandas and fine art and whatEVer...
I'm not too interested in the zoo. Zoos tend to freak me out a little. (It's one of those things where, although I know and mentally understand all the conservation arguments and everything, I still have a bit of an, "Animals in cages! Free them!" reaction emotionally.)
Smithsonian museums, on the other hand, are amazingly cool. And I haven't been to any of them in the whole nine months I've lived in DC. Must rememdy this.
I haven't seen it in three-plus decades and I'm betting it's changed a bit.
just a skosh, Deb :)
I haven't seen it in three-plus decades and I'm betting it's changed a bit.
There are more Starbucks.
Lyra Jane, I sent an email back. Thanks!
I want to go to the Air and Space too, and to see the diamonds, and the first ladies' gowns, if that is still around.