ND, perhaps it could wait until a week or so after Nilly flies back, even though advance planning is definitely of the good. That would allow time for picture-posting, post-visit posting and LJ-linking, and I think Juliana will be back 'round about then, too. '05 planning is getting lost in here right now, and perhaps 05 and Halloween planning might more naturally flow after Nilly tour debriefing happens?
Agree with you about taking vacation time off around a F2F. I'm so glad I did in DC.
Nilly! In case you have time for museums in DC, at the Nat'l Gallery of Art? No glass between you and the raw paintings* - they have guards everywhere instead. It's wonderful! *except the only DaVinci in America
Is Nilly jewcy?
Somehow, I don't think her parents would find that as amusing as we would. As it is, I want to thank the people who made kosher vegan ham for giving Nilly the opportunity to tell her family she went to America and ate ham. And liked it.
I'm still thanking Breyers for the look on her face when I prised open the lid on the vanilla bean and handed her a plastic spoon and cup and told her to rock out.
She was blissed. No other word for it.
I don't think I'll ever forget the look on her face, deb. It was the perfect combination of surprise and awe. "This is what vanilla is supposed to taste like!"
Jesus, what a great website.
Best part of the site is this line. Of course, I have no clue.
"This is what vanilla is supposed to taste like!"
Yes, exactly! Perfect moment. I wasn't there when she got her first shot of Ben and Jerry's Fudge Central, because it was Friday and I was off with Nicole and Bev feeding the southcats, so this was a genuinely happy moment for me.
Have I mentioned that I've mostly lost my voice? Need to get it back, muy pronto.
ND, I wanted to reiterate that the Fall issue of BUST magazine has a 2-page spread on Kansas City merriment and attractions that really seem Buffista made-to-order, if you have time to check it out.
And a special invitation extended to Steph since she was mentioned during the Thursday re-cap post.
I'm a dork who couldn't remember your LJ name, since it bears no resemblance to the name I know you by. But now I have it!
Right. Thank you Steph, I'll pick up a copy of Bust.
If we can avoid delaying our decision/discussions on the F2F it would be best. Let's see what we can get done in the next week.