Nora, what time are Nilly and Jon leaving? What time is Matt leaving?
Aw, man. a day and a half is not enough time. DAMMIT.
This. This. This.
By the way, thank you TONS, Nora, for organizing the two evenings (even if I only got to enjoy one) and putting Nilly up. The -ma should be flowing your way for your efforts.
This! This! This!
Your home was the perfect place for the party on the first night, from the layout, to the Kosher booty, to your humor and ease. You were a gracious hostess, and thank you so much.
I agree, not enough Nilly time. But that we got any at all is a miracle that I'm not going to kick about.
this *kicks ground anyhow*
What time is Matt leaving?
Oh yeah, I also meant to say, how cool was it that Matt made it up for Nilly's trip? Wayyyyy cool.
Jon is dropping by around 9:30 to get Nilly and swing her back to his place and then they'll leave for NY at 10ish.
If you call my house, she won't answer the phone but it's an answering machine and you could cajole her into picking up. I showed her how to do so.
Tom dropped Matt and I off in Davis Square. I pointed him in the directions of coffee shops, diner food, used record stores, and the T. Then I went to work and actually got here on time-ish.
Matt is a sweetie. I am so happy that they both stayed with me.
All your our-of-towners are belong to me!
Nora, what time are Nilly and Jon leaving?
Nilly's at my house right now! (AIFG)
I just played her the Israeli National Anthem on the theremin.
Off to NYC!
Hi- I'm really sorry for bitching about lack of Nilly time. I know I was luckier than many. She just climbs into one's heart so easily. She is the Nilliest and I miss her. So, I apologize for whining and will cease immediately! And I'm so excited for the NYistas and DCistas who are about to experience The Nilly.
Someone needs to give Tim another hug for all of us. I'd say Allyson, too, but I seem to recall she's the "no hugging" type (exceptions including Nilly, of course)
I hugged Nilly a lot. A lot for a non-hugger, anyway.
I hugged Nilly a lot. A lot for a non-hugger, anyway.
So did I, and I am thoroughly non-hug in orientation. It's quite perplexing - it's very natural, hugging her.
My only gripe with Zabar's - an otherwise nice deli/grocery - is a pitiful lack of variety in the chocolate section. The only decent choc they had when I was hunting for the decadence supplies I made with Jess was Callebaut, not the best-tempering choc on earth, and they had it for about four bucks a pound more than I'm used to paying. But their breads were gorgeous.
Beverly, can you link to your LJ? I'd love to read your Nilly stories!