I'm so glad Nilly met Tim. He was brokenhearted about being unable to take her to the Firefly set, and was hoping she wasn't too brokenhearted, too. Told him Nilly was just stoked to meet him, and never expected a set visit.
I was wondering about a set visit Allyson -- was the filming already done or was it that a visit couldn't be worked out?
Tim had an enormous writing deadline crushing upon him, and couldn't get away to take her. He called to see when Joss would be on set so she could meet him, but then that weekend the deadlines became monumental, and he had to cancel the visit.
Huh. My sign really SUCKED.
Not so. I rather think that a large, reassuring six-pointed star is a very fine sign indeed.
You've done beautifully, Allyson.
Is Nilly a Coke or Pepsi girl? (as far as stocking the fridge)
Seriously, any snack suggestions?
She doesn't eat much, Trudy. And all I saw her drink -- except for Shabbos wine -- was water. In fact, she said that's what she likes to drink.
Is Nilly a Coke or Pepsi girl? (as far as stocking the fridge)
I'm a Coke fan. Nay, a Coke advocate. Perhaps a devotee. An apostle? An acolyte!
For the record.
Aghhhh! Have we gotten the ruling on NYC water and it's microscopic curstaceans?!?!?!?!
t frantically examines Poland Spring bottle
she's a water drinker, a-yup. She also told me that's all she drinks.
Trudy, just shop with her when she gets there. It's the simplest thing.
The thought of a guest walking in to a bare fridge is FREAKIN' ME OUT!
Well, not really.
have the bathtub soap.