I've made a reservation for Shalom Hunan, 92 Harvard Street, Brookline, phone number 617-731-9760. It's under the name "Nora" but I think he might think my name is "Laura" (a common mistake over the phone) But if there's a misunderstanding, and you mention that you are with the 14 person party, they'll work it out, I'm sure.
The reservation is at 7:30pm. PLEASE, please, please try to be on time. Harvard Ave (and parking on it) can be a bit of a fustercluck, so allow yourself extra time to get there. When there's a party of this size, it brings the service to maximum capacity, and I feel very strongly that it's only respectful for people doing their job, in a party this size, that everyone sits together, and orders together. Also, if you can't make it, or suddenly can make it, please tell me so I can adjust the reservation in advance.
If early (and hopefully I will be) we can hang out at the bar, or just chat near the dining room, or get seated early and have beverages.
Tuesday. Shalom Hunan. 7:30. Be there. (well, if you are one of the 14 people who said they'd be there- if not, be there, but tell me first).
I am sorry that I'm so mental about the on time thing. But it's a big deal for me.