Yes, I had too much fun last night. Nicole, a friend of hers and I all went out to look for drinks and dancing. We found drinks, and I got to drunk to try and cab it back to David and JZ's, where I was supposed to be staying, and instead crashed on the floor of their hotel room.
I woke up rather sore, tired and hung over, and managed to accomplish very little other than making out to Sparky's for deliious dinner and fun card games with her, her DH, Lee and Jess.
Then Lee and I took the BART back to town, which dropped us off at Lee's hotel, an I took a bus up Van Ness and walked six blocks to my dad's house, where I am typing this now.
I'm very bummed that dad's Tivo seems to be missing, and the cable is not hooked up. Dad needs to tell me these things before I crash at his place.
I am also sad I will not be seeing beth and matt (though who could begrudge matt a trip to Hobbitland?).
There were attempts to explai american food ames to illy - but when we could come up with a unified dumplig theory, we gave up.
Having a little bit of trouble with the "n" key, are we? I loved reading Beth's post. It was like a puzzle!
I got to drunk to try and cab it back to David and JZ's, where I was supposed to be staying
And, may I add, you are SO GROUNDED.
Everyone else has pretty much covered the SF leg of the Nillytour quite well, so I have only scraps and bits'n'pieces to add. Random notes:
- Nilly is, as advertised, exactly the way she writes; she is just precisely herself, and is so open and friendly and easy to talk to! And curious about everything, and entertained by everything, and just thoroughly Nillylicious.
- Also, like me, she found it incredibly hard to resist picking up some of the Lush bath melts and tasting them, they just smelled so good and looked so perfect. There was one chocolatey bath melt with a cube of Demerera sugar in the top that just about killed us both.
- Deena is here, and is also exactly the way she writes, and I am looking forward to visiting more with her this afternoon. And she brought dozens and dozens of homemade bath bombs in 8 or 9 different scents as presents for all of us! They smell heavenly and are gorgeously colored and just a touch glittery, and they make you want to run straight to Deb's bathroom and launch yourself into her big luxuriant clawfoot bathtub. Chez Zmayhem has only a scruffy little tub with chipped porcelain, but Deena's bath bombs will make it all better.
- Deena and Laura have exactly the same color hair, and it looks fabulous on both of them. Actually, between Deena, Laura, Lee, Ginger, Deb, and SailAweigh (who has marvelous curly hair that I thoroughly covet), the SF contingent has approximately one metric shitload of auburn and redheads. It's very fetching.
- As are beth's blue toenails.
- Lexine's daughter K-bug is sweet and charming and articulate, and she and Lexine clearly have a great relationship. She did commit the fashion faux pas of getting a pair of Frankenboots at DSW, but on reading upthread I have decided to ascribe this to the malign influence of Hec and Teppy.
- Lexine's fingernails ROCK.
And now I have to go, as Hec just gave me my breakfast of English muffins with peanut butter, and in typical JZ fashion I have gotten hiccups from the peanut butter, so I need to go hold my breath before the hicc'ing makes me nuts.
All the stories are excellent! I'm so glad everyone is having such a good time.
Somervillians, I am sad to report that I won't be able to join you on Tuesday evening after all; I don't really have the time or the money for two Nilly visits, and I'm choosing New York because it's a lot easier for me to manage. I'm very sad that I won't get to meet Lilty, or Frankenbuddha, or Cindy, or see the other Somervillians who are near and dear to my heart. *sniff*
Nooooooooooooooo! Kate, aren't you going to NY with the Somervillains (like in Jon's car, or something)?
hopes Kate is just senile
Heh. No, not senile, just tired and poor. I was planning to drive from Hartford (where I work) to Boston on Tuesday night and meet up with everyone at the restaurant, and then spend the night at Jon's place and get up early and drive back to Hartford on Wednesday to be at work by 9. But the more I think about, the more it seems like a bad idea, especially since I have very little extra money right now, and I know I'll be spending more than I should in NYC. Plus, my car has been acting funny this week, and I've been out late almost every night this week and I really need some quiet and non-stressful time at home, and I'm overexplaining, and I really want to come, but... I think it's a bad idea.
Sorry to hear that Kate. If you change your mind at the last minute, my guest room is still yours. If not, see you in NYC!
Thanks, Jon. How long will you be in New York? I thought you were leaving before I got there (Friday night).
Somervillians, I am sad to report that I won't be able to join you on Tuesday evening after all; I don't really have the time or the money for two Nilly visits, and I'm choosing New York because it's a lot easier for me to manage.
While I am sorry you had to cut out one of your trips, I am selfishly glad it wasn't NYC.
And I'm always amused by the interplay of Jon B. and Kate P. Steph L. needs to get in on this action. Ooh, and Katie M. and brenda m. And Susan W.! And Anne W.! And JenP!
I am far too easily amused.