DebetEsse is Fri. and Sat. only, I think.
Java, last I talked to Debet, she is coming down Thursday and leaving Monday.
'Conviction (1)'
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: New Orleans! May 20-22, 2005!
DebetEsse is Fri. and Sat. only, I think.
Java, last I talked to Debet, she is coming down Thursday and leaving Monday.
Feeling torn about it, But I'm a no go. My friend who moved to town who I was playing to stay with/piggy back on a visit to is going to be away for a conference. And would couldn't really figure out a way to make it work. Someday, I will make it...
In doing the database, I have a column for "number of people", so I can list the Buffista and indicate that they have a DH or whatever in the notes section.
Woo! Just booked my ticket! (I decided driving down was way more hassle than it was worth.) Vortex, I'll send you my info shortly. Edit: insent to your AOL address.
Hey, Lizard, have you already booked the room that meara and I are sharing with you on Saturday night? I assume you have, or are going to, since you'll be spending two (or three?) nights there, but if you want me to do it, just let me know.
I haven't, but I'm going to soon (tomorrow, probably).
I've just booked my room.
Java, how much do we need to spend on catering? I remember $800, but I'm not sure if that was official or not.
DX is, in fact, correct. t waves at DX and Java
Which, actually, leaves me without a plan for Thursday.
I figure that there probably isn't anyone looking for a roommate (though correct me if I'm wrong). Any localistas got a sofa not being used on Thursday?
Eeek! DebetEsse, I meant to get back to you!!! See email immediate-ish!
Debet, Theo, I'm in the same boat, actually, WRT to Thurs.
The food/bev requirement is $800 plus mandatory taxes and service fees, which, rounding up, comes out roughly to $1,100.
eta: someone check my math? It's $800 plus 10% sales tax and 20% taxable service charge.
I'll call Amy again about the A/V stuff.
Amy's going to email me the A/V info sheet. Lisa Lee handles both food and bev & A/V, her # is 202.434-0115. Lisa's out today and tomorrow, in Friday, so maybe a Localista can call her. When I get it, I'll ask Gus (or Jon?) if he can post the A/V info since I don't know how to do that. I'll be back much later today, off to work now!
Oh and we're not going to change the contract WRT # of rooms, picking up a Sun. room at that rate will be okay; she'll let res. know to extend the rate. I asked again about getting that rate for Thurs. and still no go. Whatever is the best you can get for Thurs. is what you should take.
tap tap tap. I'm waiting to ask Amy about the bartender... grrr. transfer to voice mail... okay I'll be back later.