Numfar, dance the Dance of Surprisingly Cheap Last-Minute Airline Tickets! By waiting til T-minus 6 days, I shaved $50 off the roundtrip fare to Boston and got on American rather than AirCattlecar. I'll not only be going to Beantown next week, I'll be able to eat while there.
Nora, Tom, do you think you'll have room for one more at the shindig Monday night?
I got a great picture of nilly with pooh but my phone battery is almost dead so it won't make it online until later.
We are riding the train right now, AIFG!
I'm loving this!
And, its officially official now- the sched's on paper and I've got Tuesday off. I'll meet some of you in a week!
ND, thanks for taking all of us to Disneyland today. It was fun.
I just snuck away and got Nilly mouse ears with her name. I'll get pictures when she gets off Mr. Toad's Wild Ride.
so. much. cute. in. one. place.
For Anne and anyone else who might've been exicted by Faulkner House bookstore
Just a quick to note to let you all know, and I apologize truly for the shitty timing, that I am not going to be able to act as point person for Kansas City.
I am having some personal problems that are making it impossible for me to concentrate on anything right now. I hate to be a cop-out, but I just can't do this.
Sorry to you all.
Gronk. Home from Disneyland, and very tired, but I wanted to pop in and say that we had a great day, and Nilly really seemed to love it.
Erin, I hope everything works out.
It looks like I am going to be in SF Thursday instead of Friday. Sparky, I will email you when I wake up about when we should get to your house on Friday and how.
I have just washed the Happiest Sweat on Earth from my body.
I am beat.
I didn't know I was going until I ran downstairs to catch ND's car at the last second this morning.
I'm glad I did. I've had nothing but shitty days for a while now, and likely have a few more to come. I needed a good day, and I got one.
As for the SF weekend, everything's all messed up now. I can ride up with the crew on Thursday, but I have nowhere to stay that night as of now.
I would like to stay longer than ND is, because he has to drive back down on Friday. Lee has offered to buy me a plane ticket back home, but I need someone to give me a ride to the airport (I don't know which one yet, that will becided tomorrow, when I wake up) on Sunday, preferably in the morning (if that's when I get a flight).
And hopefully, Lee will be able to come pick me up from my flight back.
Also, Sparky, while I might need a place to stay Thursday night now, it turns out I won't need crash space for Friday or Saturday night, as my folks will be out of town, live in the City, and have offered to let me stay there while they're gone.
Obviously, there are things that need to be worked out, but that will have to wait until I wake up on Wednsday.
I guess I also need to see about a ride to the airport on Sunday, but i am too tired to think about that now. Hopefully we can work out something that is easy.