I may be the most boring hostess, EVAH.
More likely you have a fine-tuned intuitive grasp of your guests needs and desires, and graciously provide the time and space for her to acclimate to a foreign country and meeting a gaggle of new people. A scenario, while fun and much looked-forward to, fraught with tension and some apprehension. So, downtime is good.
I am the Jet Lag host. Wee Sleepy Nilly.
And this week's Sabbath host, as well.
Allyson, when you check in, make sure you check your email.
Deena, fabtasterrific! I'll have to shuffle up to work to access my email, but I'll do it in a couple of hours.
I can kind of, just barely, tolerate the paucity of pictures so far. However, I must give advance warning to ND that, what with his previously demonstrated level of both plugged-in and wireless wiredness, I'm expecting complete documentary evidence of the trip north, either streaming realtime video and audio or at the very least a frequently updated slide show. It being Nilly, every 17 seconds should be perfect.
are we doing strictly kosher foods for the Nilly-fest, or might there be separate kosher and non-kosher foods?
I'd say separate kosher and non kosher foods. I'm aiming to keep things simple, though. I probably won't cook anything.
I can kind of, just barely, tolerate the paucity of pictures so far. However, I must give advance warning to ND that, what with his previously demonstrated level of both plugged-in and wireless wiredness, I'm expecting complete documentary evidence of the trip north, either streaming realtime video and audio or at the very least a frequently updated slide show. It being Nilly, every 17 seconds should be perfect.
Well, I do have a camera phone that also has an internet hookup. If I can either work out a way to directly get the pictures on to the web or have someone as a relay point that I can email pictures to them and them have them load them to a site, I can pretty much do an instant document of the trip north.
We have a nice little Opympus digital, and it will be used. Trust me. Plus, this being Silicon Valley, damned near everyone local has some flavour of digital doodah. I think it's a law or a regulation or something. I'm as technochallenged as they're made, and even I own an MP3 player.
What precisely is the time difference between California and Israel? I know it's a honker, but I'm mentally ill-equipped for that whole counting thing.
10 hours difference, it's night there, Sabbath is ending. Nilly slept mostly through the night so her clock seems to have started adjusting to the time difference.
Allyson, just wanted to add my voice to the chorus of what a good hostess you are. You give your guests room to enjoy things in their own way while still thinking of their needs, and that's such a pleasure. I would come stay with you anytime. You'll be at Monday dinner, right? It'd be nice to see you.
I am going to need to change the location of the dinner-- only the Beverly Hills Real Foods is Kosher, it turns out. I will send you, and everyone else, an email once we get it sorted out.