Just as a clarification, you cannot cook for Nilly when she is not there. If you aren't Jewish, and bake something in your oven, Nilly cannot eat it. If you are Jewish, and your oven is not kosher, Nilly cannot eat what you've baked in it.
You can clean your oven beforehand (put oven on clean, so all turns to ash, and then scrub it clean), but an ORTHODOX practicing Jew needs to turn the oven on and prepare the food according to Jewish standards.
What Nilly has said to make everything simpler, is to NOT cook for her, unless she is there. That's the easiest way, so that she is sure that it's all good.
It's much easier to buy kosher packaged foods that do not need baking.
I know, and Nilly knows, that everyone wants to cook for her, and she's all humbled that people are willing to go through these complex processes for her, but really, it's not necessary at all!
Plus, she doesn't eat much anyway. In fact, I worry that I'm starving her. I think she only had two cookies for breakfast. She's yelling at me, now.
Pfeh. Well, I'm not going to bother her. I'll make it anyway and she can eat it or not, but I'm hardly in a position to import someone to supervise my pie-making.
It will be non-dairy and egg-free. Or organic butter, anyway.
Supervision is pretty much a deal-breaker iirc. Hitting a kosher bakery is porbably your best bet.
She's yelling at me, now.
Well, I must say! Big overbearing sort of person like Nilly, yelling at tiny little, quiet, inoffensive wilting flower like our Allyson? I never!
I probably qualify as Jewish, but I'm not baking for Nilly anyway, unless she's there. Allyson, can you ask her about the bean soup? Good old-fashioned Biblically-approved dish in a never-before used pot on a kashered stove. And I have all the bags to show her, with the kosher-approved stickers she sent me.
Well, I must say! Big overbearing sort of person like Nilly, yelling at tiny little, quiet, inoffensive wilting flower like our Allyson? I never!
Clash of the teeny tiny titans.
This should so be a reality show.
t flings up hands in despair
This should so be a reality show.
Back to back with THE Kristen and Allyson show.
No, no - I'll bake for Nilly, you bake for the rest of us. mmmmm. pie...
flings up hands in despair
Stepping up to offer to help with the non-kosher pie. Yummm