Trying to decide on BBQ desserts. I think, personally, that I may jettison the chapeau noir in favour of lemon bread or citrus cookies. My original list is really choc-heavy.
I was doing some research, to see if (with new utensils and pans, and Kosher ingredients) I could bake a Nilly-edible goody for the Somervillains get-together. I found this:
Non-commercial bread and cake that is completely baked by an individual non-Jew is called pat akum and may not be eaten.
There are more details at the above link. It is a Chassidic site, not simply Orthodox, and different traditions keep Kosher, differently. It may be that for some foods, you will need a Jewish person to help and/or supervise, even if the ingredients are Kosher and the pans and utensils are not problematic (although other sites seem to indicate that is only an Ashkenazi observance). In some of those cases, "help" can be as little as turning on the oven.
The main point?
planning on cooking something for Nilly might want to double check with her, before doing too much in advance.
(sorry to go the bolded-names route, but I know this thread is busy)
well, if people are wanting to bring stuff on Monday night and don't know where to go, etc., I'll be going to Trader Joes (and Whole Foods) over the weekend and if instead of bringing something, you wanted to pitch in for that and I could get some extra Sharfennberger, for example, or go to a Kosher bakery and get a pie, that would be fine too.
NOTE: This is *not* a plea for cash for the Kosher party run, just an option if you want to contribute and the Kosher laws make it a bit challenging. But no one has to contribute anything. Er.
this post brought to you by an under-caffienated person who has guilt about money issues, no matter how slight. Please read said post knowing everything's, as the kids say, "cool."
The other thing with dessert for Nilly at the BBQ is, what is she being
served as the main course? If it's meat, she won't be able to eat a
dairy dessert for a good bit of time(depending on how she follows kashrut, it can range from 1 to 6 hours after the meat course).
Just FYI.
Oy veys mire....(I just know I screwed up that spelling.)
We'll do what we can. I bought four varieties of beans and green lentils last night, in prep for making a huge pot of soup (in the never-used stockpot!); all the packages are stamped with the (U) symbol, which certifies said product as being approved as kosher by the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations. So that's a start.
I want it to be 5:15 already.
JZ - I absolutely want a shirt. Alas, I have serious computer issues and no mail at the moment. Stupid lightning.
Blame the double post on Charley
Laura, you don't have to evacuate, do you?
Charley is hitting exactly where my family lives. Mom's house is shuttered and she is in NY. My sister is with me. My brother and his children went to Naples. They all live in Bonita Springs, right between Fort Myers and Naples, or in other words, where the map shows the eye of the storm.
Oh, I am right along the east shore, we just have lots of wind and some serious rain bands.