I am getting plastic/paper ware for Nilly's visit and taking her to the supermarket. She has assured me that this is fine. That is the extent of my kosher preparation.
This is about the extent of my preparation as well, though I did buy a few kosher snacks this weekend. It seems to be what Nilly wants.
Would the Laistas be interested in hanging out at my apartment before or after dinner, or both, on Monday? I would be happy to have that happen as well.
Also, MIT for the mathy part of Nilly. Which means you can get ice cream at Toscanini's (if that's kosher).
missing Boston fiercely
Xposty, of course. Okay, the 24th. Actually, if Nilly has been touring the city all day, she can come back to home base, take a nap, and then head out to Brookline at what, at 6:30 or so for a 7:30 dinner.
Nothing fancy is happening in LA.
Nothing fancy's happening here, either. I cooked professionally for ten years, damn it, and this ain't cooking. I'm throwing some noodles with cheese, olive oil and pine nuts together Thursday night - that's boiling water and adding stuff to boiled noodles. Saturday is throwing meat on fire (Thag - AKA Nic - will stand and turn things over and over). Sunday we'll drive around the countryside.
I'm not opening a banquet table for seventy people and offering six courses with champagne tastings in between, for heaven's sake. It's just a bunch of friends, having a good time. Nothing fancy going on here either.
Also, unlike (it feels like an anomaly, anyway), unlike damned near all of the people I know? I'm socially inclined and like entertaining. I only snarl and shun the humans when it comes to schools.
Nilly's going to have a ball in Boston, for the same reason she's going to have a ball in LA, and here, and NY, and DC: she gets to meet cool people and see new cool places.
That's all.
So- Monday night at Tom and Nora's and Tuesday night in Brookline (specific restaurant TBD- but we should D soon, 'cause reservations would be good.)
Folks who are out and about can just meet us out there. I may try to meet up with them wherever they are after I get out of work, which is relatively early- 4pm.
EDIT- or go over en masse after resting. Out of town folks, you are more than welcome to hang at Casa Tom/Nora in between things
Cindy TOTALLY exists. I know this because I have bummed cigarettes from her. And we both picked fries off of Allyson's plate.
cereal to note that I actually work at MIT and that if the touring crew stops by at any time during the day I can take them on a little tour.
I brought Tom here through the domed main entrance at 77 Mass Ave, and he stopped and said, in awed tone, "It's a cathedral to science!"
hee. Maybe we should take Nilly to Caltech first, show her it too.
So- Monday night at Tom and Nora's and Tuesday night in Brookline (specific restaurant TBD- but we should D soon, 'cause reservations would be good.)
Works for me. And if Tuesday dinner breaks up early (ha!) I'm fine we reconvening at my place.
OK, cool. A semi plan is formed, everything else will follow.
I bought a cheap little soup pot for Nilly to heat up the kosher matzo ball soup I got. I thought that she could use aluminum foil to cover the cookie sheats to heat up bread and knishes if she likes. She can just take the soup pot with her to your place, Lee, and you can chuck it at the end of her visit. It was only like, 5 bucks.