No!!! Nonononono!!! It's for Nilly's visit! It has to be perfect!
sucks thumb
Okay, mellowing out now. I leave it in your capable hands. Still PO'd at Kinko's; until I read your email and found out the thing was corrupted, this was going to be the first time I'd ever been to a Kinko's and gotten what needed doing done without unpleasantness. I swear, I absolutely have got to never go there again, ever.
That's so frustrating, JZ. I have PhotoShop and hundreds of fonts, if there's anything I can do. (I have a little font problem. I'm looking for a 12-step program to help me out. First step: "I acknowledge that I am powerless over my desire to add fonts to my computer.")
Aw, Ginger, thanks. I think it'll be okay, though. I'm just full of aggrieved wrath today in a totally trivial nibbled-by-ducks fashion.
Regarding kosher sushi, the thing is that the only kosher fish are the ones with fins and scales. So, no crab, no octopus, no shrimp.
I think this is an excellent rule regarding the second of those three, though of course I eat shellfish like a fiend.
I'm not sure if the air in LA smells different, but it looks like poop.
Alas that I'm not going there, since my arrival in L.A. is always accompanied by a rainstorm that clears the air.
Barring any long delays (and the El Al website is remarkably unhelpful in this regard), Nilly is in the air!
Oooh, that gives me the shivers, Jon B.
ION, my meatspace friend can't get Thursday off after all, so I don't have a pick-up at SFO anymore. Is there anyone availible noonish on Thursday? If not, I can cab it.
JZ, you will be pleased to hear that the font is being recognized with no problem today. My computer sucks, but only some of the time I guess. It will be perfect.
Ginger, I'm going to drop you a line to chat about this, okay?
I'm going to be out for a couple of hours, Deena, but I'll check my e-mail as soon as I get in.
Sail, that's Thursday the 19th? I may possibly be able to do it. I'll know by tomorrow, if you can wait that long.
t /greedy for as much F2F time with the out-of-towners as possible
And Deena, yay! I'm grinning like a big relieved idiot.
Thanks Ginger, I appreciate it.
Me too, JZ, such a relief. Well, I grinned after I kicked the stupid computer.
And since my e-mail's being wonky, we're talking about 400 pixels per inch, and about 14" across for the back, right?
Also, would it be okay to make the background of the graphic black instead of transparent? That will help me do the flamey letters.
Anyone who likes, please chime in with opinions/suggestions/etc.