Kosher question! Meat and dairy can't be combined in a dish, but can they go by course? If you have roasted chicken for supper, can you have ice cream for dessert?
Not unless there's a really long time between courses. (Different in different traditions; most common seems to be 3 hours, but other people say 6.) You can have dairy and then meat, but not the other way around.
Not unless there's a really long time between courses.
Is the issue that they shouldn't do the meet 'n' greet in one's stomach either?
I think the argument is that the milk and meat shouldn't mingle in your mouth.
t rereads sentence. decides to keep typing
Meat supposedly has particles that stay in your mouth for awhile, but after eating something with milk, you just need to rinse your mouth out and eat something like bread, and that's supposed to get rid of it.
Me and Seth Cohen. 4EVAH.
Just as friends of course, cause The Seth is still my one true television crush. Even if he is on a catamaran, without water, on his way to Tahiti as I type.
What is Chick N Chow?
Ok, that makes sense. How about if you brush your teeth between courses? Not thorough enough?
The rules were written long before modern toothbrushes or toothpaste were available, and by now, those rules are so established that people who are going to be keeping kosher are probably going to try to just follow them rather than rewriting them every time a new tooth-cleaning solution comes on the market.
Chick n' Chow is a kosher restaurant that has fried chicken.
Regarding kosher sushi, the thing is that the only kosher fish are the
ones with fins and scales. So, no crab, no octopus, no shrimp. Still
can do tuna, salmon or yellowtail.(Or vegetarian sushi.)
One of the hors d'oevres at my wedding was kosher sushi rolls.
Allyson, insent to aol addy.