More Nilly stuff:
Nilly would love to have a group dinner on Monday, so let's say 7:00 on Monday the 16th. I am leaning towards Jerry's Deli, since I think it is Kosher, and close by. I will post a definite location after I do some more research and talk to Allyson. Please let me know if you can make it, so I can make a reservation.
ND, I think Thomash might be coming with us to Disneyland, so can you drive?
Burrell, and anyone else who wants to go to Huntington Gardens, does Wednesday work for you? If not, does Monday instead?
eta: Okay, jerry's is not Kosher, so back to the drawing board on that part. The Monday at 7:00 still stands.
eagainta: We are going to Real Food Daily, the vegan restaurant at 414 N. La Cienaga near Melrose. Please let me know if you can make it.
Lee, unluckily, Nate and Al's isn't kosher either, just kosher-style. Pity, because they're damned near my favourite restaurant in LA.
Neither is Canter's, as it turns out. Real Food Daily is though, they have good food, and they take reservations, so that is where we are going.
What about Canter's Lee? It's inexpensive, and I believe has kosher foods, as well as a bakery for tasty take-home yumminess.
Wait, are you sure they don't have kosher selections?
I called. They said they weren't kosher.
Allyson, I think the problem with the "kosher selection" thing is the strictness of the rule - unless they're using special cookware, special plates, special cutlery and can guarantee that their meat never touches their milk, it's a minefield. The first time we at Nate and Als, they brought me out this amazing pastrami sandwich and I was crooning over it, and thinking wow, a kosher restaurant in Beverly Hills! And then the waitress cruised by and dropped a little dish of butter pats next to me.
That put the kibosh on the kosher, alas. I just wish they were, because their food is so. damned. good. And the portions would feed the Sixth Fleet. Same with Jerry's.
Reminds me, I still need a set of cutlery and a nice little "not used for anything but Nilly so long as Nilly's here" pot. I love living within walking distance of three stores that specialise in restaurant supplies for Chinatown at whimper-low prices.
The Los Angeles Jewish Guide lists kosher restaurants into meat and dairy.
Allyson, insent to the non-Fury address.
The place on that list that looked the best after more research was Milk N Honey.
Nessims is kosher sushi. I need to see that while Nilly is here. I won't eat it, but I think I need to see it.