I know! All the Seattlistas are missing her, damn it.
Mart, still damp and foggy out this way, but there are signs that it will burn off.
For all you first-time or disbelieving summer visitors, what Jacqueline said about layers is exactly right. It's the sanest way to dress for this neck of the woods. Jessica and Sean, who are staying in Berkeley, will likely be rather warmer and closer to a genuine summer feel than will those staying here in the City, but layers are the key. I tend to dress for the weather I'm starting out in, but will keep a tank top as well as a jacket in the car.
Allyson, I can never keep track-- can I send UPS to the address at the bottom of your e-mails?
No UPS to Allyson's home or work, I don't think. I don't know which address she put there, but it's likely one of the two.
Yep! And please let me know when to expect it so I can go check the box. I only go about every other week or when I'm expecting a package.
ita, I have a UPS store box now for EMA business, and so that's the addie at the bottom of my emails.
ita, I have a UPS store box now for EMA business, and so that's the addie at the bottom of my emails.
Oh. Whoops.
Now I want to send you a bunch of stuff.
Wise move, Steph.
Note: September is quite often our heat wave. Can get up to the 90s in SF (for up to a week!). It is barely possible that it could happen in August. Weather in SF has been flakey for the past few years.
Mart, in tracking the weather patterns of the past couple of years, the ten-day heat wave seems to have migrated into October. Stoopid global warming...
ten-day heat wave
(sputtersputter mumblegrumble!) Try five months! Three of them high 80s, low 90s and high humididity. Sputter.
Allyson, both work and home are very reliable in terms of UPS delivery for me, and I don't have to make a special trip, so if time is a consideration for you, I would be happy to be a drop off point for Nilly packages.